let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Willie "MJ" Green in the game
It's just such a different sport these days. Gets harder and harder to watch. They are making it a no contact sport with a bunch of Whiny flopping manufactured stars

Our guys got issues but at least we don't have floppers
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Damn, Doris Burke is really exposing Amare on defense

 that was funny

Missed it. What did she say?
Basically every time someone penetrates she says it's because Amare isn't helping on defense and is non-committed to paint protection. She even talked about it on a couple of replays. I think she's either trying to say that Amare sucks at defense or Chandler really makes a defensive difference. 
Iman has a lot of potential on offense...I just hope the defensive intensity doesn't fade with the progress on the other end.
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