let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

3Q lows can be attributed to the Ron Artest guide to NBA Super Stardom. They all drink Henny at half time.

But for reals, I might do something for game one. Not on some bacon wrapped shrimp *##, but like pizza and beer.

We'll save that for the conference finals.

In there if I don't work though.
Originally Posted by mannyfresh106

Do you guys feel that melo should be rested and amare should just play so he can warm up a bit more? I don't think that would be too bad of an idea. Melo has been playing his %@! off lately and he deserves some rest for the first round, i just hope it doesn't mess with his hot streak.

Tyson should sit

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Those 4's are ugly and I love Knick colorways sneakers, they look like fakes
if they were all white I'd be on board, but the black kills it.
I feel opposite, If it was all white I think they would be turrrrible!

Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Those 4's are ugly and I love Knick colorways sneakers, they look like fakes
sorta kinda agree


but these IVs keep attracting me idk why && im normally not a fan of knick CW kicks. they are just never done properly
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Those 4's are ugly and I love Knick colorways sneakers, they look like fakes
if they were all white I'd be on board, but the black kills it.
I feel opposite, If it was all white I think they would be turrrrible!

Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Those 4's are ugly and I love Knick colorways sneakers, they look like fakes
sorta kinda agree


but these IVs keep attracting me idk why && im normally not a fan of knick CW kicks. they are just never done properly

los almighty id'ed the lebron ix's nicely
I think everyone should play tomorrow night. We're going to win the first round in 6 games regardless, but rather get them in sync now than the 2nd half of game 1.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Those 4's are ugly and I love Knick colorways sneakers, they look like fakes
if they were all white I'd be on board, but the black kills it.
I feel opposite, If it was all white I think they would be turrrrible!

Originally Posted by Ballerific703
sorta kinda agree


but these IVs keep attracting me idk why && im normally not a fan of knick CW kicks. they are just never done properly

los almighty id'ed the lebron ix's nicely
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I think everyone should play tomorrow night. We're going to win the first round in 6 games regardless, but rather get them in sync now than the 2nd half of game 1.

Your predicting the Knicks beat Miami right?
I'm not gone state an epinion on that, but I dont understand why Knicks fans want Chicago or Indiana.
I mean both those teams do everything you dont.
At least with MIA you know Amare, and Tyson should be able to score, and Melo wont not score + Shump can potentially make a difference on Wade and BD might yet still outplay Chalmers. and aside from the Shane Battier problem on Melo at times they have no real bench..
With Chicago and Indy you cant rebound with them, West and Boozer can score on Amare the Combo of Granger and George and or Deng, Hamiliton can negate Melo, and Shump  and DRC and Hill are going to leave  B Diddy and Douglass in the dust. Not to mention that their bench defenders are better than yours, both teams have a built in Smith stopper, and the coverage of Novak will be better
I always felt the Penny Knicks colorway were the best Knick shoes.

Always regret missing out on those.
Originally Posted by d5

I always felt the Penny Knicks colorway were the best Knick shoes.

Always regret missing out on those.
Me too. Thought about buying them a bunch of times but never pulled the trigger. Oh well.

I love the confidence Allen; can't wait for this series to start.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by Al3xis

I think everyone should play tomorrow night. We're going to win the first round in 6 games regardless, but rather get them in sync now than the 2nd half of game 1.
Your predicting the Knicks beat Miami right?
I'm not gone state an epinion on that, but I dont understand why Knicks fans want Chicago or Indiana.
I mean both those teams do everything you dont.
At least with MIA you know Amare, and Tyson should be able to score, and Melo wont not score + Shump can potentially make a difference on Wade and BD might yet still outplay Chalmers. and aside from the Shane Battier problem on Melo at times they have no real bench..
With Chicago and Indy you cant rebound with them, West and Boozer can score on Amare the Combo of Granger and George and or Deng, Hamiliton can negate Melo, and Shump  and DRC and Hill are going to leave  B Diddy and Douglass in the dust. Not to mention that their bench defenders are better than yours, both teams have a built in Smith stopper, and the coverage of Novak will be better
You can say that looking at the teams on paper but if you watched the games you'd know we've owned the Pacers the last 3 times we've played them and let them come back for a win in one of them. Rebounding aint a problem with Indy. We play better defense and offense against them. I can see Hill having a nice series but Collinson aint a factor. Their bench is not stopping anybody on our team unless it's Landry Fields. Who is stopping JR? The coverage on Novak would be better but they have nobody to contend with Smith or Melo. Shump would keep George quiet like he's been doing. Tyson would expose Hibbert. The key to them winning is West and Granger and quite frankly I can see Granger shrinking in big moments while up against Melo. I've been seeing it in each game against them as far as strengths and weaknesses go. Our defense is just better and would give them fits each game. As far as I'm concerned the Pacers are food to us *cue Amar'e gif* and we'd only lose against them if we let them play all over us.

You crazy if you think Toney Douglas is getting extended minutes at the point against the Pacers. Don't know why you would think that. We'll get by with BD and Shump/JR playing the point and if anything we'll throw Bibby out there and hope he makes one 3 and executes 2 or 3 pnr plays. We'll do what we've done all season and put Bibby on the guy that is not featured on the offense.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I think everyone should play tomorrow night. We're going to win the first round in 6 games regardless, but rather get them in sync now than the 2nd half of game 1.

Your confidence oddly fills me with confidence.
if we dont get that sixth seed i see us winning one game against the heat or bulls. way too many games we let get away that were easy wins. now they always come back to haunt us.
Keep updating with real pictures or release dates for the Ewings, I forget to check the shoe forums on here.
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