let this thread die (NYK)

Hopefully we on Troll Level:tongue:aul Pierce

Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Alan Hahn tweeting "the flu bug now going around within the team."

Can't %+$#%+# believe this !%%@

 it's like those little aliens from space jam came and took their powers 
Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Alan Hahn tweeting "the flu bug now going around within the team."

Can't %+$#%+# believe this !%%@

Plz tell me this is some kind of joke
Guys lets stay hopeful. Going around the team could also mean its hitting assistant coaches, trainers , ballboys, and security personnel. As long as no other players get it , were good. We do need Herb to be 100% tho, nobody holds a clipboard like him.

On another note, I had mad work to get done but all Ive been thinking about is this game coming up. Love how David Stern drew this one up, what a great matchup. I wish we could have seen them in the ECF, but hey, to be the best, you gotta beat the best.

I expect Amare and Melo to have monster offensive games. Hopefully the boys looked at tape all day yesterday and discussed the adjustments that we havent made yet against the Heat.

These guys always come out blazin against us (and many other teams). They go hard in the beginning and try to overwhelm you. We have to withstand the initial attack, and settle into our game. If Melo gets it going, it will open up alot more for our team. JR and Novak MUST play their game for us to win. We need their contributions, thatll be the key.

Tyson will play man. I dont even wanna think about our chances without him.
I think Tyson should play just to give the Heat the flu. Cough directly in LeBron and Wade's face.
Sorry for the late upload, but since its game time I'm sure you guys would appreciate HD video instead of the other sad uploads.
I'd appreciate it if ya'll SUBSCRIBE, I had to make a new youtube account so I lost everyone
I post these videos cause I <3 ya'll.
When I read that Tyson had flu like symptoms, I was going to post that TD gave it to him just to troll.

Turns out that may actually be the case 

Jeez. we can't deal with Tyson's absence. Jefferies isn't a dominating figure unless he draws a few charges.

My biggest peeve is KNOWING all knicks haters are gonna say " oh they got a reason to say why they lost "
Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

According to the beat writers, Tysons on his way to AA arena, is feeling better, and will play.


Defensive player of the year. We need him.
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