Let's say you've lived this whole life never knowing there is a God...

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
And who are we as lower beings to say what's good or bad? Do you mean all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-beneficial?

Good/Bad are perspectives on situations not concrete states of being.
 Show me a god  that doesn't see these things as being bad and I will show you every reason you should have hoped that there wasn't a god.  If god were to show his/her face, the hardest thing for believers would be dealing with the fact that they have essentially worshiped a complete a-hole.





Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
And who are we as lower beings to say what's good or bad? Do you mean all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-beneficial?

Good/Bad are perspectives on situations not concrete states of being.
 Show me a god  that doesn't see these things as being bad and I will show you every reason you should have hoped that there wasn't a god.  If god were to show his/her face, the hardest thing for believers would be dealing with the fact that they have essentially worshiped a complete a-hole.





Someone like myself would have a completely different explanation for that than God having something to do with it. Belief in medicine (in God, in your doctor and in your medicine) does have positive mind altering properties. I don't think it has anything to do with God

You're absolutely right I mean the evidence isn't conclusive by any means. One could either argue that man evolved this feature of belief in a higher being due to the proven positive effects in mental health, or community building and socializing. Also God says in the Qur'an that "10:100 It is not for any soul to believe save by the permission of Allah." Some people most certainly have a genetic propensity towards believing in a higher being, as proven in the "religion helmet" experiment.

Someone like myself would have a completely different explanation for that than God having something to do with it. Belief in medicine (in God, in your doctor and in your medicine) does have positive mind altering properties. I don't think it has anything to do with God

You're absolutely right I mean the evidence isn't conclusive by any means. One could either argue that man evolved this feature of belief in a higher being due to the proven positive effects in mental health, or community building and socializing. Also God says in the Qur'an that "10:100 It is not for any soul to believe save by the permission of Allah." Some people most certainly have a genetic propensity towards believing in a higher being, as proven in the "religion helmet" experiment.

forget all that Katrina, catastrophe nonsense, religious people usually say that it is as "test" on earth to get into heaven. blah blah.
But what irks me is that if God is a higher, omnipresent, perfect and all powerful being (force, entity, spirit, energy w/e) and how can it possibly be so insecure and jealous to punish his own "creations" or people that do not worship it by sending them into hell. Religious dogma FTL.  
forget all that Katrina, catastrophe nonsense, religious people usually say that it is as "test" on earth to get into heaven. blah blah.
But what irks me is that if God is a higher, omnipresent, perfect and all powerful being (force, entity, spirit, energy w/e) and how can it possibly be so insecure and jealous to punish his own "creations" or people that do not worship it by sending them into hell. Religious dogma FTL.  
yes we believe b/c our ancestors believed, they explained nature as god, think about it, if you were  halfwit, buttnaked, running around seeing all of nature on earth for the first time w/ no explaination for what it was, what would think life was about?

religion = people describing nature or god
phyical sciences = nature descrbing nature, we just observe

who do u believe, people or nature?
yes we believe b/c our ancestors believed, they explained nature as god, think about it, if you were  halfwit, buttnaked, running around seeing all of nature on earth for the first time w/ no explaination for what it was, what would think life was about?

religion = people describing nature or god
phyical sciences = nature descrbing nature, we just observe

who do u believe, people or nature?
god made good and evil and he will let the devil +**! with you.
he made so many people he doesn't care what happens to just one person aka you're not $@!*@%$ special.
god is also a manic , having mood swings like a #!%%#.
god made good and evil and he will let the devil +**! with you.
he made so many people he doesn't care what happens to just one person aka you're not $@!*@%$ special.
god is also a manic , having mood swings like a #!%%#.
To everybody who is saying that it is free will/our decisions that lead to bad things:

How come when something bad happens to someone, you same people say things like: "god must have needed him more than us" or "god took him and now he is in a better place" or "god decided it was her time to go"?

When something bad happens to someone close, you believe that god was responsible, therefor their was a reason, but when it is being argued that god is responsible for evil, you say it is up to us? Am I missing something?

PS - I don't believe in god at all. It sounds silly to me...
To everybody who is saying that it is free will/our decisions that lead to bad things:

How come when something bad happens to someone, you same people say things like: "god must have needed him more than us" or "god took him and now he is in a better place" or "god decided it was her time to go"?

When something bad happens to someone close, you believe that god was responsible, therefor their was a reason, but when it is being argued that god is responsible for evil, you say it is up to us? Am I missing something?

PS - I don't believe in god at all. It sounds silly to me...
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
And who are we as lower beings to say what's good or bad? Do you mean all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-beneficial?

Good/Bad are perspectives on situations not concrete states of being.
 Show me a god  that doesn't see these things as being bad and I will show you every reason you should have hoped that there wasn't a god.  If god were to show his/her face, the hardest thing for believers would be dealing with the fact that they have essentially worshiped a complete a-hole.






I'm not seeing what you're seeing.

good and bad are words we use to associate our thoughts/feelings on a situation.

A higher power has nothing to do with those words. We made those for ourselves to gauge events on and around this Earth.

Those events aren't beneficial to humans in any way. (I said before god is not all beneficial. That's what I assume people mean by good)

But explain to me why those incidents or situations would be 'bad' to a 'God' or higher power? Most of them are the result of human intervention somewhere along the line.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
And who are we as lower beings to say what's good or bad? Do you mean all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-beneficial?

Good/Bad are perspectives on situations not concrete states of being.
 Show me a god  that doesn't see these things as being bad and I will show you every reason you should have hoped that there wasn't a god.  If god were to show his/her face, the hardest thing for believers would be dealing with the fact that they have essentially worshiped a complete a-hole.






I'm not seeing what you're seeing.

good and bad are words we use to associate our thoughts/feelings on a situation.

A higher power has nothing to do with those words. We made those for ourselves to gauge events on and around this Earth.

Those events aren't beneficial to humans in any way. (I said before god is not all beneficial. That's what I assume people mean by good)

But explain to me why those incidents or situations would be 'bad' to a 'God' or higher power? Most of them are the result of human intervention somewhere along the line.
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
And who are we as lower beings to say what's good or bad? Do you mean all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-beneficial?

Good/Bad are perspectives on situations not concrete states of being.
 Show me a god  that doesn't see these things as being bad and I will show you every reason you should have hoped that there wasn't a god.  If god were to show his/her face, the hardest thing for believers would be dealing with the fact that they have essentially worshiped a complete a-hole.


I'm not seeing what you're seeing.

good and bad are words we use to associate our thoughts/feelings on a situation.

A higher power has nothing to do with those words. We made those for ourselves to gauge events on and around this Earth.

Those events aren't beneficial to humans in any way. (I said before god is not all beneficial. That's what I assume people mean by good)

But explain to me why those incidents or situations would be 'bad' to a 'God' or higher power? Most of them are the result of human intervention somewhere along the line.
But isn't god supposed to be 'good?'

How are earthquakes and hurricanes direct results of human intervention?  And if god understands the destruction that these things cause, why doesn't he stop them from killing so many of his 'good' people? 
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
And who are we as lower beings to say what's good or bad? Do you mean all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-beneficial?

Good/Bad are perspectives on situations not concrete states of being.
 Show me a god  that doesn't see these things as being bad and I will show you every reason you should have hoped that there wasn't a god.  If god were to show his/her face, the hardest thing for believers would be dealing with the fact that they have essentially worshiped a complete a-hole.


I'm not seeing what you're seeing.

good and bad are words we use to associate our thoughts/feelings on a situation.

A higher power has nothing to do with those words. We made those for ourselves to gauge events on and around this Earth.

Those events aren't beneficial to humans in any way. (I said before god is not all beneficial. That's what I assume people mean by good)

But explain to me why those incidents or situations would be 'bad' to a 'God' or higher power? Most of them are the result of human intervention somewhere along the line.
But isn't god supposed to be 'good?'

How are earthquakes and hurricanes direct results of human intervention?  And if god understands the destruction that these things cause, why doesn't he stop them from killing so many of his 'good' people? 
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
And who are we as lower beings to say what's good or bad? Do you mean all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-beneficial?

Good/Bad are perspectives on situations not concrete states of being.
 Show me a god  that doesn't see these things as being bad and I will show you every reason you should have hoped that there wasn't a god.  If god were to show his/her face, the hardest thing for believers would be dealing with the fact that they have essentially worshiped a complete a-hole.


I'm not seeing what you're seeing.

good and bad are words we use to associate our thoughts/feelings on a situation.

A higher power has nothing to do with those words. We made those for ourselves to gauge events on and around this Earth.

Those events aren't beneficial to humans in any way. (I said before god is not all beneficial. That's what I assume people mean by good)

But explain to me why those incidents or situations would be 'bad' to a 'God' or higher power? Most of them are the result of human intervention somewhere along the line.
But isn't god supposed to be 'good?'

How are earthquakes and hurricanes direct results of human intervention?  And if god understands the destruction that these things cause, why doesn't he stop them from killing so many of his 'good' people? 
If your city is built around an area where natural disasters occur then it's almost safe to say you can get it. Shorelines, Faultlines, areas where fronts collide often. Your choice to live there, not the higher powers.

From what I understand New Orleans was built under sea level and levees and flood walls were put in place to stop something major like Katrina. They failed right? was that 'god' or human error?

As for why it doesn't stop them? because it's not all beneficial. It's not what you or the lady in the convent believes or thinks it should be. It's above you. It doesn't see in good or bad, we do.

Answer my question: Why would these events be 'bad' or not 'good' to something that doesn't live amongst us? Can you think of anything besides it's an a-hole?
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
And who are we as lower beings to say what's good or bad? Do you mean all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-beneficial?

Good/Bad are perspectives on situations not concrete states of being.
 Show me a god  that doesn't see these things as being bad and I will show you every reason you should have hoped that there wasn't a god.  If god were to show his/her face, the hardest thing for believers would be dealing with the fact that they have essentially worshiped a complete a-hole.


I'm not seeing what you're seeing.

good and bad are words we use to associate our thoughts/feelings on a situation.

A higher power has nothing to do with those words. We made those for ourselves to gauge events on and around this Earth.

Those events aren't beneficial to humans in any way. (I said before god is not all beneficial. That's what I assume people mean by good)

But explain to me why those incidents or situations would be 'bad' to a 'God' or higher power? Most of them are the result of human intervention somewhere along the line.
But isn't god supposed to be 'good?'

How are earthquakes and hurricanes direct results of human intervention?  And if god understands the destruction that these things cause, why doesn't he stop them from killing so many of his 'good' people? 
If your city is built around an area where natural disasters occur then it's almost safe to say you can get it. Shorelines, Faultlines, areas where fronts collide often. Your choice to live there, not the higher powers.

From what I understand New Orleans was built under sea level and levees and flood walls were put in place to stop something major like Katrina. They failed right? was that 'god' or human error?

As for why it doesn't stop them? because it's not all beneficial. It's not what you or the lady in the convent believes or thinks it should be. It's above you. It doesn't see in good or bad, we do.

Answer my question: Why would these events be 'bad' or not 'good' to something that doesn't live amongst us? Can you think of anything besides it's an a-hole?
Let's try it this way: if before you had ever heard of God or read the Bible you were exposed to leading and accepted scientific theories explaining many things concerning our origins and the origin of the universe, and then someone handed you the Bible, would you choose to believe what reads basically like fairy tale instead? Think of this without any bias towards what actually is or isn't true. Most atheists go the opposite way. In this situation, the person choosing the Bible would be viewed by all others as a pariah and someone making a bad choice--which is how most Christians view atheists today.
Let's try it this way: if before you had ever heard of God or read the Bible you were exposed to leading and accepted scientific theories explaining many things concerning our origins and the origin of the universe, and then someone handed you the Bible, would you choose to believe what reads basically like fairy tale instead? Think of this without any bias towards what actually is or isn't true. Most atheists go the opposite way. In this situation, the person choosing the Bible would be viewed by all others as a pariah and someone making a bad choice--which is how most Christians view atheists today.
I think whatever you want to believe is what happens...after you die and such.
and that life is life.

If you think your whole life when you die.....your going to see black and dissolve into the earth
then thats probably whats gonna happen

If you think your going to go to this great place with "GOD" and all your wonderful family.....then thats probably whats going to happen
everything is really all in your mind and what you believe......

If you think your gonna be a ghost......thats probably whats gonna happen.....because youve been thinkin that way all your life
whether....its imaginary(well you will be dead so you wont know really lol) thats what will happen most likely

or maybe nothing will happen

I do believe there is a GOD or higher power but I dont believe he controls every single thing that happens....
whether in your life or the world.

I do believe you can talk to talk to him(pray) and he will help you out....sometimes
or maybe its your family looking over you...maybe he tells them to look over you and help you with your troubles

I guess we will never really know....the most you can do is believe.

Oh forgot to answer the question

No I probably wouldnt believe you
I think whatever you want to believe is what happens...after you die and such.
and that life is life.

If you think your whole life when you die.....your going to see black and dissolve into the earth
then thats probably whats gonna happen

If you think your going to go to this great place with "GOD" and all your wonderful family.....then thats probably whats going to happen
everything is really all in your mind and what you believe......

If you think your gonna be a ghost......thats probably whats gonna happen.....because youve been thinkin that way all your life
whether....its imaginary(well you will be dead so you wont know really lol) thats what will happen most likely

or maybe nothing will happen

I do believe there is a GOD or higher power but I dont believe he controls every single thing that happens....
whether in your life or the world.

I do believe you can talk to talk to him(pray) and he will help you out....sometimes
or maybe its your family looking over you...maybe he tells them to look over you and help you with your troubles

I guess we will never really know....the most you can do is believe.

Oh forgot to answer the question

No I probably wouldnt believe you
Wait what? so i've went my whole life not subscribing to the most popular belief system in the world, and one guy of many who have before says he's real. Why would that person's reaction be different? who are you? what are you getting at?
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