lets talk hair grooming/trimming/shaving

shave (razor): chest and face/neck (every few days)

trim (clippers): um... down there (every few weeks)

leave alone: arms, legs, pits
If you suffer from in-grown hairs after shaving y'all should try this: 
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Actually, that's a point of pride. I'm very proud of my mane of pubic hair, so thank you.

Close the thread because your chick has to wander through the jungle with a machete just to dome you up? Nah brodie 


I keep everything trimmed. No shame in my game. 

I really want to use a razor blade to shave my face, but I get ingrown hairs (I'm black), and the last time I used one, I had a very bad experience. 

Any suggestions on what to use to keep those ingrowns out of the equasion? 

Unfortunately again, this exertion caused me to sweat, and when I finally reached my room, my cheeks were sliding back and forth against each other like a pair of horny cane-toads. I quickly dropped my pants, and attempted to dry my $*+ off by sticking it in front of a fan and spreading my cheeks. As I pulled the two mounds of flesh apart, a horrible stench burst free and filled the room. Every dog within a 4 block radius started to howl. I had it worst of all, as the ripe aroma of festering *!%$/sweat went into the fan and blew back into my face. I fought to keep from heaving. And as I sat there, fighting vomit, my $*+ cheeks spread and dripping, with the concentrated aroma of my body odor mixed with the tangy smell of my own *!%$ blowing right into my face, I had only one thought: "It will be like this until the hair grows back. Weeks."

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