Life before LOL

i'm waiting for my parents to start texting 'lol'....our text conversations have been dull and serious...i want to add an 'lol' here and there to brighten things up
It's definitely a crutch for saying things you aren't sure will be taken the right way.

But haha seems real sarcastic whenever I see that in a text.
 I dont think its anymore of a crutch than when people say "feeling some type of way" call me petty but I stopped associating with this girl once just cause she couldnt stop using the term "side eyes"
sometimes i feel like the person im texting to would misinterpret what im saying as something mean or offensive if i don't put the lol at the end
When people respond with "lol" I typically ask them if they really laughed out loud.

Most of the time they say no. Then I asked why they said it, they say I'm being too technical :lol:
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sometimes when i reply to people i start out with the "hahaha" and end the sentence with the "lol" 
I text lol when you aren't funny but trying to be, its like a courtesy laugh

if i smile or laugh i type hahaha

Don't tell anyone though
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If something is really funny, I'll text "haha" or "DEAD".

I just realized most of the time I do text "lol", what's being said is really not that funny.
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2 years ago I met a chick that said "lol" is a turn off when dudes text it.

Haven't done it since.
Just went thru some of my texts to chicks...

I use lol too much.

I never use it towards dudes tho. ***** texted me "lol" once
, I called him and told him dont EVER do that **** again.

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