Light clean looking thoughts

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how will they finish their game if they all on table 

Aint no women hate. It's equal accountability.

You can't throw shade on Wiz and act like Amber deserves full custody like she living a upstanding lifestyle.
Full custody doesnt have anything to do with who is the better person, that what yall failing understand. The child is going to be with the MOTHER.

Nah b, custody, whether t's full or joint- being decided by a judge is based on who is the most suitable parent. I aint never said anything about who is the better person.

I mean why bring up anything about Wiz like it's a negative then?
AND since when is dressing a certain way and having a job(cant eem say its frowned upon in society anymore) make you a worse parent than someone who is ADMIRINGLY substance abuser?
So we gonna pretend Amber don't smoke weed too now? :lol: That sex vidand naked pics don't come in to play?

What substance abuse? You just gonna keep your eyes closed to the rapid turn around stance on marijuana in this country? C'mon son.


Say wha nah?

The lesbian one if I recall right.
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That last gif is the first thing in a LONG time that actually made me want to crack Chantell.
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That last gif is the first thing in a LONG time that actually made me want to crack Chantell.

This :lol:

AB in that "Daddy Issues" shirt :rofl: just makes me picture that IG post she had with her dad, where you could clearly see on his face that he was backtracking what went wrong
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