Lil B's new album will be called "I'm Gay"

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

i can't be the only dude that read that in his voice....feel me?

Originally Posted by Julian Wright

 "People get scared when they hear the gay word, but when you truly know yourself, you gonna be good. Say for instance you're watching a porno, right. And, you're jacking off and %%+!, and some gay %%+! pops up. And you're like, 'Oh, %%+!!' Either you're gonna look at that %%+!, or you're not gonna look at it and you're not gonna give a +@*# about it. Like, some gay %%+! can pop up on me, and I don't give a +@*# about it. I'm like, 'Oh, that's that gay %%+!. Get that %%+! off. Back to the @#*%%!@.' But some mutha****ers are in denial. Some dudes are really in denial. They're like, 'What's that? Ohhhh!' And they hate themselves for that. They're like, 'What's wrong with me?' You feel me? And these are #%#*@#@#*%$+$ that's around us. That's not saying %%+!. So, it's like, I'm a %#%*!! because I'm so not a %#%*!!. I can say I'm a %#%*!!. I can say I'm the gayest !!+%% on Earth. And I'm so not gay, it's obvious. I know from my deepest core that I'm very far from gay. So I can say I'm the !!+%% queen that #%%+! cows. I'm not."

Wait what 

Originally Posted by Julian Wright

 "People get scared when they hear the gay word, but when you truly know yourself, you gonna be good. Say for instance you're watching a porno, right. And, you're jacking off and %%+!, and some gay %%+! pops up. And you're like, 'Oh, %%+!!' Either you're gonna look at that %%+!, or you're not gonna look at it and you're not gonna give a +@*# about it. Like, some gay %%+! can pop up on me, and I don't give a +@*# about it. I'm like, 'Oh, that's that gay %%+!. Get that %%+! off. Back to the @#*%%!@.' But some mutha****ers are in denial. Some dudes are really in denial. They're like, 'What's that? Ohhhh!' And they hate themselves for that. They're like, 'What's wrong with me?' You feel me? And these are #%#*@#@#*%$+$ that's around us. That's not saying %%+!. So, it's like, I'm a %#%*!! because I'm so not a %#%*!!. I can say I'm a %#%*!!. I can say I'm the gayest !!+%% on Earth. And I'm so not gay, it's obvious. I know from my deepest core that I'm very far from gay. So I can say I'm the !!+%% queen that #%%+! cows. I'm not."

Wait what 

Originally Posted by ricky409

hold on....

wouldnt gay people take this as an insult to their sexuality?

i mean... he's portraying something he isnt...

that's like a asian guy saying "i'm black" or a woman saying "i got balls"

As an Asian and a male, I honestly would not give a %@#% if an Asian guy said "I'm black" or if a woman said "I got balls."
Originally Posted by ricky409

hold on....

wouldnt gay people take this as an insult to their sexuality?

i mean... he's portraying something he isnt...

that's like a asian guy saying "i'm black" or a woman saying "i got balls"

As an Asian and a male, I honestly would not give a %@#% if an Asian guy said "I'm black" or if a woman said "I got balls."
Originally Posted by go rilla

Originally Posted by BK201

Might want to edit some of the profanity Whyhellothere.
edit and rolaholic

I don't see profanity in the post unless your mind is substituting !@#$%^&*() for profanity.
"But some mother......are in denial."
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett


who is this guy

Your lord and savior.
Originally Posted by go rilla

Originally Posted by BK201

Might want to edit some of the profanity Whyhellothere.
edit and rolaholic

I don't see profanity in the post unless your mind is substituting !@#$%^&*() for profanity.
"But some mother......are in denial."
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett


who is this guy

Your lord and savior.
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