List a job where you think you'll lose your mind.

Fast food/takeout delivery, retail, nursing homes, day care, telemarketing, graveyard shift security/front desk.. anything graveyard shift for that matter
I think the worst job I ever worked at was one that I'd lose my mind doing if I HAD to do it.

It was the summer of 98, I'd just graduated high school and was going off to LSU in the fall, had a scholarship so while I didn't need much money I was looking for something to do over the summer, of course I was lazy as hell that year and didn't really look for anything until mid July. I answered a classified ad and went in for an interview at what ended up being a door to door sales gig for some fly by night marketing company. Stores/Restaurants would hire the company to push "coupons" in nice neighborhoods to drum up business. I did it for a day and didn't even bother going in the next day. I didn't need the money that bad and I did the math and would have spent way more than I was making just on getting to and from work, plus I couldn't live with myself pushing coupons on people in the middle of the day.
graphic designer for a gay porn site, having to photoshop out all the butt acne
lol @ that gay porn site web design job.

Total %$#*+ up! I'd kill myself than to do that.

customer services related job.Especially on the phone.
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lol @ the porn site

my bro is a flight attendant and loves it. I dont see the problem unless you're clausterphobic or something
Best buy. I walked off mid shift. Don't tell me to sell a 20 dollar replacement plan on a 30 dollar product. Only a ****** would get that.

i felt like this a few yrs ago when i was working at Gap. They wanted me to push Gap Cards and they went MAD hard to try to get you to move weight. didn't think it was smart to expect so many credit cards to sell during a recession >D

and while were on it, retail blows. shipping for gap...waking up at 5am to open boxes and ****, fold **** up...
i felt like this a few yrs ago when i was working at Gap. They wanted me to push Gap Cards and they went MAD hard to try to get you to move weight. didn't think it was smart to expect so many credit cards to sell during a recession >D
and while were on it, retail blows. shipping for gap...waking up at 5am to open boxes and ****, fold **** up...

Lol I worked at Gap a year ago.. I started as cashier and as soon as I saw them pushing associates to open up the Gap cars I knew that job wasnt for me..I transferred to a diff location where I did overnight stock which was actually fun
I use to do janitorial crap off the floor,seeing blood at places it shouldnt be, people peeing on sinks..throw up. Smh
Also, I SMH whenever I'm leaving work and I walk past a store like American Eagle in the mall at like, 11 at night and see people STILL folding clothes... :smh: :x
Also, I SMH whenever I'm leaving work and I walk past a store like American Eagle in the mall at like, 11 at night and see people STILL folding clothes... :smh: :x

friend of mine would get out at 3am on weekends cause of this + doing inventory :smh:
Also, I SMH whenever I'm leaving work and I walk past a store like American Eagle in the mall at like, 11 at night and see people STILL folding clothes... :smh: :x

I remember for the Space Jam release when I rolled up on the mall the people from Forever 21 were just getting out of work at 230am, and a little while later a new crew was coming in. My girl likes shopping there but I can never figure out the layout of any one store since they always seem to shift things around. I'd go crazy if I worked in a place like that.
worse job i had was customer service over the phone. junk drove me crazy answering the phone all day, saying the same stuff to clients, being nice when i aint want to, listening to problems all day
I lost my mind working at bestbuy. Some people are just plain stupid, I don't mind being a salesman or telling you about a product but do some ******g research before you spend money on a camera, television, computer so you know you are not being jerked around and have some ******g class or manors, it used to disgust me how people would see you clearly having a conversation explaining a product and yell at you that they needed help like the other person wasn't there. The product plans are a joke, ninjas don't even try to fix your ****z lol
Have you guys ever ate at a restaurant and it was so obvious that your waitress was new because of how polite she is and all the others are just like, 'eh whatever'? :lol: This is a place you don't tip, by the way (sushi place)
Years ago I was an after school care counselor...and those kids drove me crazy!!!

The parents must feel even worse at times...I was basically a glorified baby sitter.

I was only there for about 4 hours but man...
my job right now, stressing and at times very very frustrating. In the end i feel its very rewarding so i  deal with it and enjoy.
worst job i ever had was doing outside sales for a telecommunications company... **** was mad depressing. walk around in a suit all day and get hated on by pretty much everyone you talk to. got to the point where i couldn't take it and would sit in my car to kill time. couldn't do that for long so i had to bounce w/ no job lined up. didn't even care that i would be unemployed cause i was honestly happier with no job than keeping that one.

had i stayed tho... mos def woulda lost my mind
Any job that requires me to use Microsoft Excel extensively. I hate spreadsheets and data entry!>:
supermarkets. never again


my current job. we are short workers because about 4 months ago 2 women fought during a meeting and got fired. then about 2 months later this guy quit. then about 2 weeks ago a woman quit. on top of that 2 people are on vacation and they arent coming back for a while. ive been having 1-2 days off a week and certain days we been short workers. #%(^ is mad stressful.

plus i start school on the 27th so who knows if im still gonna be able to keep this job since the boss has made no effort to hire anybody and i cant work all the time :smh:
For me personally: truck driver. I hate commuting to/from work daily during rush hour as it is. But being behind the wheel for hours on end every day, stuck in traffic, idiot drivers, construction...wanna blow my brains out.

Cold calling clients, with sales targets to boot

Worse than the sign-holder? Sign-holder + costume. A local cd place use to have a dude dressed in a pink gorilla costume on weekends during the summer :smh:

A friend worked the worst shifts possible at 7-11, he hated it. One time another friend and I shoplifted a ton of crap for the hell of it and videotaped the whole thing (hey, we were young!)

*thankfully I've never actually been a janitor
Man, working in a chicken factory. My life was hell, and I was only there for a week 
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