LOL Al Jefferson to KG: "we both have one thing in championships"

Aug 29, 2007
Looks as if Al Jefferson is just as quick with his wit as he is on his feet.

When Kevin Garnett emphatically reminded Jefferson of his all-star selections - "11 years! 11 years!" - Jefferson replied with something that Garnett couldn't top.

"I told him we both have one thing in common - no championships," Jefferson said. "He didn't like that too much."

Garnett and Jefferson were hit with technical fouls for their heated trash talking early in the third quarter of Friday night's game.

Garnett and the Celtics trailed much of the game but rallied late in the fourth quarter for an 87-86 victory at home.

Immediately after Garnett stole the ball to preserve the win as time expired, he celebrated on the court as if the Celtics had just won a playoff game. It was an interesting sight, Garnett holding up the front of his jersey.

The Celtics, after all, have the NBA's best record. The Wolves entered that game with the league's worst record.

Garnett was traded last summer from Minnesota to Boston in exchange for Jefferson, Ryan Gomes, Theo Ratliff, Sebastian Telfair, Gerald Green, two first-round picks and cash considerations.

Wolves forward Mark Madsen, who played with Garnett the longest of any current Minnesota player, said he didn't take offense to Garnett's celebration. He said Garnett is an emotional player who wears his emotions on his sleeve.

Said Green: "It's a thing where I think it was a more personal game. I think everybody wanted to prove


to each other that they're better than each other. I thought we should have won, but we did get the loss. I think if we'd have won, we'd have had our jerseys up, too, jus
t like that."

Big Al
Enh, I hate the 'championships' argument.

Darko > Garnett

Right, Jefferson?

Garnett can't deny that his TEAMS and Jefferson's TEAMS have never won a championship, but AJ can't deny that his INDIVIDUAL SELF is inferior toGarnett's 11-time All Star self.
im glad jefferson told him that. i hope KG gets bounced in the first round this year. thatll show his punk#$*%. i seriously hate this dude now that he leftminnesota. why would you pop your jersey when minnesota has done nothing but give you everything you wanted?!?!
Garnett can't deny that his TEAMS and Jefferson's TEAMS have never won a championship, but AJ can't deny that his INDIVIDUAL SELF is inferior to Garnett's 11-time All Star self.

I see what you're saying but who do you think would go home more upset a 4 yr pro who's being told by an 13 yr vet that he has more All-Starappearences than him, or a 13 yr vet being told by a 4 yr pro that they have the same amount of rings which is 0?
Honestly I am a KG fan but the T'Wolves did do everything they could for him. I mean gave him a rediculous amount of money, that HE ASKED for. They broughtin talent around him, but the Lakers just stood in their way and it was hard to resign Spre for the amount he was asking and then they traded him and put himin the best possible position with two other all-stars in a weak conference and a weaker division.

There might be a lot of things we dont know about the relationship between the T'wolves FO and KG but from what i can see they did try he should bethankful. The only thing I think really hurt him was getting rid of Flip, I think KG liked Flip but I mean for him to be so emotional he shoulda stepped upyears ago and express his feelings about being in Minn.

He really shouldnt be arrogant right now.

Side not I have a question: Do you guys think the celtics peers respect them? I mean I hate to bring Kobe in this, but I remember he said he wasnt getting anyrespect from his peers when he was winning the championships with shaq because everyone felt he had to have shaq, which may or may not be true, but now youhave 3 players who have been losers on the highest stage and now are all of a sudden put together, do u think the others around the NBA really respect them andwhat they're doing?

I mean when i think of GP i dont really think of him gettin a ring wit Miami, I know he was big for that team but i think of him wit Seattle. Do you u thinkwinning a ring will cement the careers of these 3 players even tho some would argue they way they had to win it?
Great comeback and it is the truth.

Untill june when they may have a shot to win.

If they don't win will boston be the biggest bust since the 03-04 lakers?
when you think about it 11 all stars appearences and no ring is nothing to brag about...

it's saying that you have been an elite player in the league for atleast 11yrs. and you couldn't will your team to not even 1 finals appearence???

Only 1 conference finals?

Atleast A.I. could get his team to the finals and the eastern conference finals....

And i'm a Garnett fan, but 11 allstar appearences w/ no finals appearence is nothing to brag about!
Good comeback, KG has a huge ego. I loved it when my Wizards minus Arenas knocked the C's off in back to back games
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