London Art Exhibit Requires Guests To Squeeze Through 2 Nude Models At Entrance

May 25, 2001
The London art display invites visitors to pass between two nude performance artists, one male and one female, standing on either side of the entry doorway.

"Imponderabilia" is an art exhibition created by the renowned artist Marina Abramovic, compels ticket-holders to engage in a direct “confrontation between nakedness, and the gender, the sexuality, the desire," as explained by Andrea Tarsia, the Head of Exhibitions at the Royal Academy, in an interview with the BBC.



I'm throwing my clothes on the floor right in front and sliding in behind the women, crotch bumping her into the male model as I squeeze in. And doing so naked just so the models dont feel uncomfortable. Then when I am in I get on my knees and reach back through the middle of them to grab my clothes, leaning favoring the cooch side and not the meat side. I don't want geni-residue on my evening wear
ahh yes the infamous Marina Abramovic. If you wanna derail this thread go ahead and start with her:nerd:
So how are you getting in NT? Facing the lady and your butt touching man model’s meat. Or facing the male model and getting some ******* on your back but male model’s meat dragging across your frontal?
Hitting both with a check left hook to da body. Fists hit where they hit.
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