Looking to do a Euro trip in 10 days.

Jun 15, 2013
Seeking to do a Euro trip in 10 days via bullet train or easyjet.

I'm looking to land in Germany then heading to Paris in train then to London in trains from there fly to Rome and take a train to Venice.

I'm looking to spend 2 days per city and I was wondering if you have any tips.

10 days is a short amount of time. Good luck.

How long will you be there for?
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10 days is a short amount of time. Good luck.

How long will you be there for?
That's the point - We aren't trying to be at any places longer than 2/3 days. It's just sight seeing and moving.

At the moment is just open to stay in Paris the entire time and hit londo, but why - lets make it interesting ...
There is no way you're doing that in 10days.

If you're flying in to Germany- Berlin/Frankfurt I'm guessing, those are 10hr train rides to Paris if not longer.

You could spend a week in Paris/ London and not scratch the surface. Same for Rome.

Pick Rome/Venice, Paris/London, but definitely not all of them in just 10days.
I just did Italy last week and it was pretty cool just being on the run, but it did get tiresome. Make sure you have minimal luggage cuz it's a pain in the *** lugging that all around any town you're in.
FYI tho, try and get all your tickets way beforehand, it'll save you a ton of money! Any questions pm me
10 days isnt enough for one of those places imo
But if thats all u got have fun.
One of my friends is in europe for 10 days doing the EF College Break thing. Her instagram pics are dope. One price pays for your flight, hotels and some meals.
I think I might be doing to much as much of you guys stated.

I change my plans to at least 2 maybe 3 destinations.

If I go to Paris for 4 days and London 3 days that will be cool.

If not go to Paris, fly to Rome for 3 days and train to Venice for 2 days and call it a day.

I'm not looking to do it all, just relax enjoy some sites and food and that's it.
look into overnight trains so you don't waste daytime on the train. party/pass out/wake up/repeat.
I'd spend the night in Florence and take a day trip to Venice (there is nothing to do after it gets dark)
look into overnight trains so you don't waste daytime on the train. party/pass out/wake up/repeat.
I'd spend the night in Florence and take a day trip to Venice (there is nothing to do after it gets dark)
I was thinking about the train from Paris to Rome but all that time? Naw - catching a flight instead.

You said, there's nothing to do in Venice once it gets dark? Never been to Italy like that ...
You can see all the famous spots in one of those double decker buses in Rome for like $20. It has stops/pick ups at every location, can easily be done in 1 day.

If you can afford it, take that flight. Also, depending where you go on train, buy them soon. 40 euros here for a train, 40 euros there, and it quickly adds up!

Call your phone provider and Turn your data off. Get skype, add $10 credit. Facetime was also clutch and iMessage was :pimp: x 10 (and free). There's wifi everywhere, it'll save you a lot on your cell phone bill.
There is no way you're doing that in 10days.

If you're flying in to Germany- Berlin/Frankfurt I'm guessing, those are 10hr train rides to Paris if not longer.

You could spend a week in Paris/ London and not scratch the surface. Same for Rome.

Pick Rome/Venice, Paris/London, but definitely not all of them in just 10days.

i lived in germany for 2 years and it is not a 10 hr train ride to paris.... more like 3-4 if that
There is no way you're doing that in 10days.

If you're flying in to Germany- Berlin/Frankfurt I'm guessing, those are 10hr train rides to Paris if not longer.

You could spend a week in Paris/ London and not scratch the surface. Same for Rome.

Pick Rome/Venice, Paris/London, but definitely not all of them in just 10days.

i lived in germany for 2 years and it is not a 10 hr train ride to paris.... more like 3-4 if that

Lol, I don't know what train you were on (if you've ever taken one) but the timetables are anywhere from 8-13hrs nothing less.
Lol, I don't know what train you were on (if you've ever taken one) but the timetables are anywhere from 8-13hrs nothing less.
Like I stated before, from where I'm going to be (outskirts of Luxembourg) to Paris is going to be 2:45 on the RailEurope.

From Frankfurt to Pairs is 3:45pm - those 8-13 hour trips, well not sure where you are getting them from.
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