Money will be no object when I see all 6 seasons in one Blu-Ray package.

Dharma, I guess is still going strong in Ann Arbor. I'm sure we'll see something involving that in S6.
i was wondering if we could make a list of things we never got answers to? Stuff that you really hope they shed light on in the next season.

- why can walt appear in places? why is he special? why do bad things happen around him?
- what exactly is the reasoning behind the numbers? are they cursed, mystical?
- what's with the whispers?
- whats with the hieroglyphics and the whole Egyptian vibe?
- what's with jacks dad?
-where the *@%# is claire?
- is michael dead?
- why can jack aim a gun so well? he's just a doctor...
-what is richard?
-why can hurley speak to dead people?
- what's the deal with the hostiles?
- what esactly were the experiments being observed in the dharma initiative?
-what's with the polar bears?

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Yeah, I couldn't of imagined the breaks between the episodes. ESPECIALLY in season 3 with the BS endings they would throw at you. I felt cheated even watching them on DVD.

That's why we're better than YOU!!!!!!!!

i'm waiting til the end to buy the entire series.. BECAUSE I KNOW it is going be filled with tons of stuff
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

The polar bear thing has been answered
i don't remember if they said why the polar bears were important. i just know that they were put in the cages. Did they say what they were studying them for?
They don't ever really say it... but if you look throughout the seasons.... you can figure it out
Spoiler below if you haven't seen through season 5

In season 4 Charlotte is in Tunisia and finds a polar bear skeleton with a dharma collar. In season 5 we find out that when you turn the wheel (John Locke) You end up in Tunisia. And in season 3, we see the cages the bears were in, received prizes (Fish biscuits) When they turned that wheel. So they were teaching them to turn the wheel to move the Island.
Man, it would take all day to think of all the little unanswered questions I have. Theres no way they could possibly get to em all. But, Dub thats a nice start.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

I have lab next week, i hope we get out early!

Yeah just leave. You will not regret it.

Another day in the books. We're getting CLOSE people.

Who is Barack O Drama now? Dude was a major contributor to the LOST thread. Aint quite the same without him.
What lab is it.... I have convinced people in mine to move it to a diff several times.... It worked for me because I just graduated...
What lab is it.... I have convinced people in mine to move it to a diff several times.... It worked for me because I just graduated...
5 days left.
While on Lostpedia I found this random fact about the role of Charlotte to be interesting.

-Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have confirmed that the role was originally offered to Kristen Bell, who turned it down to join the cast of Heroes. Thus, Rebecca Mader auditioned for the part, and was the only new cast-member to read for her role.

Sarah Marshall > Gingervitis
Also, Eric Berry is missing from here.

And what was up with Bernard asking Juliet if she wanted some tea. Something was very weird about that exchange.
Originally Posted by Rich Says

Sarah Marshall > Gingervitis

Yes, but think of how much more upset people would have been if Veronica Mars died than the soulless British girl. Blessing in disguise, perhaps?
I think Bernard just wanted them to just sit back and enjoy. Since him and Rose are happy on the island and because her cancer seems to have been healed by the island. They just wanna enjoy every minute while they can.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

In season 4 Charlotte is in Tunisia and finds a polar bear skeleton with a dharma collar. In season 5 we find out that when you turn the wheel (John Locke) You end up in Tunisia. And in season 3, we see the cages the bears were in, received prizes (Fish biscuits) When they turned that wheel. So they were teaching them to turn the wheel to move the Island.

That little detail makes me feel like I should watch the show again but I don't have enough time.
I definitely missed a lot of small details considering I banged out all 5 seasons for the first time last month in like a week and a half.
Originally Posted by solesearchin

What lab is it.... I have convinced people in mine to move it to a diff several times.... It worked for me because I just graduated...

Genetics, it was the only lab I could get. Its 6:30-9:00 but sometimes I should be out before 9
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Also, Eric Berry is missing from here.

And what was up with Bernard asking Juliet if she wanted some tea. Something was very weird about that exchange.
I think that whole scene was a little forced. They needed to wrap up the Rose and Bernard story quickly. So I don't think there was anything extra to it.
Then again, I could be wrong, and maybe they'll come back later, but I doubt it. They're not main characters and don't have the same appeal of the main Losties.
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