LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!


How did he get off the Island?

Last time I remember seeing him was with Charlotte....
Juliet is
the way she lied was even hot
I see the resemblance
I remember they did say Faraday was just elsewhere
The 100 episode will be epic

This ep was good, loved the Hurley/Miles convo, also liked the deep focus on Miles from how he got recruited, to his powers, to the father/son angle.

My girl Juliet did her thing, overall
character. I wanna smash everytime she's on screen.

@ Phil, takin Ls

Looking at the list I don't think we'll get a Hurley centric although I want one just for lulz but I;m sure Faraday's story will come through Ialways thought a centric for him would have Ben/Locke potential and at the least Jack.
I wanna know where Jacob is in all of this...
I wonder if Jacob is pulling some strings in some weird way.

Either that, or Ben has the Island on Lockedown with this crew.
good episode.

oooo i miss Naomi that fine caramel colored British woman mmmmmm

I just wanna see how Faraday got off the island and why he was working on the hatch project as a digger.
jack and kate are brother and sister or luke skywalker/princess leia. ben=vader, yes ben is jacks father. locke is obi. alpert is palpatine. saywer is hansolo. jacob is yoda.
Good episode

a few thoughts:
-nice to know how miles was recruited by widmore, I'm assuming the guys who kidnapped him and made him drop his fish taco were guys working for ben.
-how faraday got off the island got me though. I'm guessing he took the sub back to civilization when Juliet, Miles, and Sawyer all stayed and waitedanother 2 weeks to see if locke would be back by then.
someone posted this theory in another board

Miles: "Uhm...we're not supposed to be in 3-3-4. Isn't that Hostile territory?"

Horace: "Welcome to the Circle of Trust"
Something I'd never even considered, but I can't seem to shake it now...we've been wracking our brains, trying to figure out about this 'truce' between the Hostiles/Others and the DI. What if...they're essentially the same thing? What if Charles Widmore, a man we've obviously seen have a good head for business, struck up a deal with Alvar Hanso, or whoever was calling the shots at the Hanso Foundation, and has allowed the DI to come in here? That's how the DI can come to and from the island at ease. That's where Widmore got all his money. And that's how the DI and Others can co-exist as they do. I think it was made pretty clear in this episode that most of the DI folk there...don't a %*!+%%* CLUE what is going on at the island. They're just there to work, or possibly lured in with the promise of scientific discovery. The deaths, the 'Truce', the posturing between Horace and Alpert, all of this is just one more fake beard the Others are wearing, or using to their own ends. What if the whole reason for the DI to come in was to build the stations to control the various natural phenomena on the island? And when they've got what they want, they mass slaughter all the people who aren't 'Enlightened' enough to join the cause. This could explain how Ben and li'l Ethan could be hanging with the Others even before the Purge.

What if Horace's 'Circle of Trust' is a lot bigger than we can imagine?

There are obviously flaws in this line of thinking (that my beer will not permit me to acknowledge). Have to ponder on this a while...
Things I noticed ... BTW I loved this episode and am really afraid that Miles is going have something bad happen to him.

1. He is Chang's kid. I was right. I believe I was the first to say that. I'm proud of myself. If I am incorrect, please stop this inflating sense ofself worth. I still want to get a better idea of why he can speak with the dead. I guess we found out why he asked Ben for 3.2M. Widmore was going to give him1.6M. Double that and he will change sides.

2. The Star Wars stuff was just awesome and the talks between Miles and Hurley are fast becoming the best in the show. Daddy issues continue and I still wantto find out just why this is.

3. I don't see the reference to "Some Like It Hot" ... One of the funniest old movies of all time about cross dressing with Jack Lemmon &Tony Curtis & Marilyn Monroe. Anyone else see anything?

4. That kid that made www.lostisagame.com is looking smarter and smarter and I am really hoping he is wrong.

5. Is Ben so powerful because his Dad can throw a football over those mountains over there?
- Isn't the dude that captured Miles in the front of the van the same guy on the island with Ilana? So, I don't think he's working for Ben, and hesaid Miles was on the wrong side working for Widmore. So, I guess there's now a 3rd party involved?

- Phil
Dude is lamer than season 2, 3, & 4 Jack combined.

@ Hurley tellin Miles "Your just mad my powers are better than yours"

- Miles Dad did love him. Interested to see why his mother lied. And it's about time they gave "Dad's" some props.

Pretty decent episode. The last few haven't been very "exciting" but they've answered a lot of question's (which I absolutely LOVE) andbeen fun to watch.

Nice find override, that theory makes a lot sense.
Had to go to another freaking viewing party. I know I said I'd never go again but there was this girl that was going to be there and blah blah blah. Iknow, I shunned my duty as a LOST fan, but never again. Here are my thoughts on this weeks ep.

1. First off, did anybody see the smoke monster in that scene with Jack and Roger???? It was there, you had to look closely. Right behind Jack to his leftand to his right........................................no wait.....that was the chalk board!
I'm kidding. BUT....

2. That being said, I like the little Easter egg they threw in that scene with the Dharma people teaching their students about ancient Egypt.

3. Was the way that dude in the body bag died last night a total OH #+#@! moment for anyone else. It's pretty obvious they were working next to theelectromagnetic source that the hatch was built over and he got to close/somehow activated it and as he was leaned over digging, it ripped one of his fillingsout and sucked it through the top of his head making it look like a bullet wound....HOLY CRAP!

4. 4,8,15,16,23,42.....they return. Now we know why the hatch was so secretive...it was built in "enemy" territory.

5. In another mindblowing moment, we learned that Miles sleeps only feet away from...."himself." Since he values money so much, he needs to breakinto that kids crib at night and tattoo the word "Microsoft" to his !@+ or something.

6. When Sawyer punched that little sniveling worm at the end of the show (I hate that guy like I do Radzinsky), he pulled the first thread in what I believewill be the total unraveling of peace times between the Losties and the Dharma people over the next few weeks.

7. Daniel Faraday has some 'splainin to do. I'll leave it at that. (I thought we were going to meet the DeGroots last night

8. Last but not least....the previews for the show in 2 WEEKS! WHAT THE HELL!! 2 WEEKS!! Anyway, the previews almost make it look like Jack, Kate, and crewflee into the jungle which would make me think they may become part of the Others. Tangled web this show weaves.
Ohhhhhh I just thought of something.

Dharma is building the hatch in enemy terrirtory. Why would the others allow this? BC Dharma is doing it to cover up Jughead and save that from becoming aproblem.

Sound right?
I still want to get a better idea of why he can speak with the dead.
I think it has something to do with the "incident" did you notice how his mom's hair was all thin and balding at the front...likethe scars of exposure to electromagnetic radiation of some kind

In another mindblowing moment, we learned that Miles sleeps only feet away from...."himself." Since he values money so much, he needs to break into that kids crib at night and tattoo the word "Microsoft" to his !@+ or something.
I thought about that too, but remember you can't change the past. Even though they are using Hurley to try and poke holes in that theory,think back to when Desmond tried to change his future with Penny and what Mrs. Farady explained to him in the jewelry store...
I thought it was a pretty good episode. Glad to see Faraday back in the mix. Dude was becoming one of my favorite characters and then just vanished outta nowhere.
Originally Posted by CreekShow

I thought it was a pretty good episode. Glad to see Faraday back in the mix. Dude was becoming one of my favorite characters and then just vanished outta no where.
He been busy.
Have any of you guys ever been on lost-forum.com? And have you read about this grand theory?

From http://lost-forum.com/showthread.php?t=31601:
Up until now they have been showing one by one significant events in each of the characters lives that could easily have caused depression/trauma/stress. This theory says that everyone in LOST is really in a mental institution right now being treated for their "issues" caused by post traumatic stress due to their life changing experiences. They are all tied into some new treatment where they are fused into a common situation through a controlled world created at the hospital (think Matrix or virtual reality). In this environment the patients are forced to cope with their demons and to learn to work together on common obstacles created in the environment to promote teamwork (pushing the button, building the raft, finding food). That's the main gist of it and here were some ideas that kind of go along...

- Locke is the head psychiatrist who is there to ensure everything moves along correctly. He is also there to help people deal with their issues (notice how he is always helping people cope with their issues, but it seems that he never has any)
- the Others are other patients at the mental institution who in most cases are beyond repair
- when people die they are really being taken from the hospital because they have been cured. (Shannon finding true love?)

Anyways, it's interesting.. and the thread does go on and on, while working through many of the events and characters, etc.. that was just the initialoutline of it.. I really hope this theory ain't true because that would suck. I wanna believe in magic and mythology and time travel!!
ok heres a few things i got to say my bad for making a fool out of myself by jumpin the gun and thinking that NY was trying to imply something that he clearlywasnt(damn lost for making me look to deep into thinds

with that said back to lost talk

i have a feelin hurley is going to go run his mouth about the hatch being build and they are going to try to stop them by blowing it up they can go 2 ways withthis, with the C4/dynamic from the black rock or they can use jughead if they use jughead then somebody is going to die with it

i was also betting that we were going to see jacob when ever faraday returned maybe he was on the sub behind him

i always wanted to know wat happen to the statue

What lies in the shadow of the statue?
that is wat happen to it to protect wat ever was in the shadow of the statue they may have destoryed it
ok bare with me here....i have a theory....

-Since Daniel Faraday left the island and went to the main land, what if he created/made/hired the supposed third party that nabbed Miles and hired Illana.

-I bet Daniel Faraday knows the answer to this question, "What lies in the shadow of the statue?"..... dun dun dun....

and Naomi looked bangin last night....
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