Low Wage Mc Donalds Worker Beats Woman In Front Of Her Own Child - Bystanders do NOTHING

so we're frowning on adults fighting but shooting somebody is cool?

thats problem half these kids got now is they quick to grab a gun because they scared of an *** whooping


This doesn't have anything to do with kids though. A mother shouldn't have to learn to fight so she can walk around with her child.

If she was so worried about losing her fight she wouldn't start a fight over anything.

Edit: Also, how is a mother going to make this person lose their job outside of work by saying something? did you watch the video? I would have loved to see someone shoot the attacker off after she repeatedly punched her as she laid on the ground.
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The other side of the story is explain in OP's link.

Where? I only see the "Victim's" side of the story.

do you even read bro?

Investigators believe Harris thought Ferreira, a one-time coworker, had spread rumors about a romantic relationship between Harris and a work supervisor - one that Harris thought could jeopardize her job.

Ferreira concedes she spoke about the pair but that it didn't justify an attack.

"It was brief conversation between me and two other girls. It's not as serious as to break anybody's nasal cavity or bone or nose period," said Ferreira.

McD's employee even mentions it at the end of the video.
This doesn't have anything to do with kids though. A mother shouldn't have to learn to fight so she can walk around with her child.

If she was so worried about losing her fight she wouldn't start a fight over anything.

Edit: Also, how is a mother going to make this person lose their job outside of work by saying something? did you watch the video? I would have loved to see someone shoot the attacker off after she repeatedly punched her as she laid on the ground.
You would have loved to see that. Nothing about this situation looked life threatening so why the need for lethal force.
learn to fight? Are you serious?

I guess the other girl is such a bada** since obviously she knows how to fight. And actually this is the kid of stuff that gets people shot. Yea, you KNOW to fight, attack someone, then get shot in retaliation since they never learned to fight.

27 and 25. NO reason to be "fighting" in a park. Grow up

so we're frowning on adults fighting but shooting somebody is cool?

thats problem half these kids got now is they quick to grab a gun because they scared of an *** whooping


an *** whoopin can kill you, blud. especially if you're outmatched or outnumbered.

and not looking life threatening doesn't mean its not :lol: you can't see a brain damage in a video clip.
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so we're frowning on adults fighting but shooting somebody is cool?

thats problem half these kids got now is they quick to grab a gun because they scared of an *** whooping


Dont know how you got that from what I wrote, but no not at all.

And there is a big difference between an a** whopping and getting the crap beat out of you. If there was an actual fight, meaning at LEAST looking at each other might be a different story. If she was ready to fight might have been at least a she got what was coming to her story.

point I was trying to make is if you use the logic of learn to fight, whats the next step if you honestly cant fight, protect yourself? how? weapon? I never said she should get shot or deserved to be shot after that.
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You would have loved to see that. Nothing about this situation looked life threatening so why the need for lethal force.

What part of getting hit in the face multiple times as u lay on the ground isn't potentially life threatening?
honestly this stuff happens all the time. just so happen it got caught on camera and a kid was involved.

plenty of neighborhood/school yard fights go down because of someone bumping their gums unnecessarily. ol girl just caught the fade. not saying what ronald mcdonald was right but meh...
The bad part is that the kid was there. But let's be real. If you get in anybody's business and start gossiping which could hurt their livelihood, your gonna get a beatdown. Doesn't make it right tho
so we're frowning on adults fighting but shooting somebody is cool?

thats problem half these kids got now is they quick to grab a gun because they scared of an *** whooping


This doesn't have anything to do with kids though. A mother shouldn't have to learn to fight so she can walk around with her child.

If she was so worried about losing her fight she wouldn't start a fight over anything.

Edit: Also, how is a mother going to make this person lose their job outside of work by saying something? did you watch the video? I would have loved to see someone shoot the attacker off after she repeatedly punched her as she laid on the ground.

Was it said outside of work or while the victim still worked at Micky Ds? Also, the two girls the victim mentioned it too, did they work at Micky Ds as well? If so, all it takes is one of them to come back to work and run their mouth then next thing you know the attacker is fired.
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I mean the fact that people were just watching... kinda makes me feel like they were in fear for their lives
this looked like the scene from killed bill #1


But why people still fighting off of hearsay it should adult to air your grievances and be done. now if the victim was also tryna fight then fight.

why was the chick still in uniform
why do that in front of somebody kid
why did the people keep filming

nobody tried to do the right by the child
BIG protect little cmon america
Is the low wage part in the title really necessary though?

But it is what it is. If the girl that got beat up was gossiping and saying stuff that could cost the other girl her job then shes not an innocent victim. Other girl shouldn't have did it in front of her kid though.

Regarding the filming and not helping. It is what it is. Let the same people filming to post it on YouTube or worldstar rather then helping get into an altercation warranted or unwarranted and no one helps and they'll wonder why no one bothered to help.

Regarding all the gun talk. Not everyone is a fighter or tough guy and if that's not them they shouldn't have to live in fear. Granted all those right wing gun nuts with that provoke a situation and shoot first out of fear mentality make being strapped look bad but I see nothing wrong with a person being strapped. Granted you should try and diffuse the situation and get away from the attacking person but if they persist and keep at it, you got a gun, do what you need to do. You made effort to get away from the situation and they persisted.
Dont know how you got that from what I wrote, but no not at all.

And there is a big difference between an a** whopping and getting the crap beat out of you. If there was an actual fight, meaning at LEAST looking at each other might be a different story. If she was ready to fight might have been at least a she got what was coming to her story.

point I was trying to make is if you use the logic of learn to fight, whats the next step if you honestly cant fight, protect yourself? how? weapon? I never said she should get shot or deserved to be shot after that.

how about if you can't fight you don't run around spreading rumors?

seems simple to me

you can't fight don't do anything that might get your *** whooped
why dont she just sit down with the lady and talk it out. do we always must throw hands to solve problems. why? WHY?

Its the sign of a simple minded person if they must always result to aggression and violence to solve their problems. People with that mindset typically find themselves in and out the prison system regardless of gender or color.

Its people who have done stuff to piss me off or say things they probably shouldn't have. I'm a grown man though, what is putting hands on them really going to solve other then a potential assault charge. If they throw the first punch that's a different story but some loud mouth idiot isn't worth the potential problems to me.
Its the sign of a simple minded person low wage person ( Lol) if they must always result to aggression and violence to solve their problems. People with that mindset typically find themselves in and out the prison system regardless of gender or color.

Its people who have done stuff to piss me off or say things they probably shouldn't have. I'm a grown man though, what is putting hands on them really going to solve other then a potential assault charge. If they throw the first punch that's a different story but some loud mouth idiot isn't worth the potential problems to me.
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