Lowering the drinking age?

21 is good for america.. not like most high schoolers cant get alcohol some from some older people anyways.. the urge before ur 21 to drink is high and lowering the legal age just lowers the age they start to look forward to a year which adds more responsibility to your life.. plus in america most places are too far of a walking distance and more of a drive which increases accidents and harm to others.. in HK its 18 but most ppl dont drive back home that night we have other options and taxis are way fkin cheaper then here..
I wrote a paper on this freshman year... Only cuz i wasnt 21

But we can vote for our president, fight and die for our country, get a job, get married, drive, and all types of other things at 18, why not drinkin
18...you can do EVERYTHING once your 18 except drink...they'll never do this though due to the fact that the city (especially in college towns) makes so much money from handing out minor consumption tickets
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

I wrote a paper on this freshman year... Only cuz i wasnt 21

But we can vote for our president, fight and die for our country, get a job, get married, drive, and all types of other things at 18, why not drinkin

should be 18
I didn't read every page... the popular ages seem to be 18 and 16 but I don't see the relevance of those two ages. Lots of 18 year olds are still in high school and the prospects of some high schoolers drinking legally and providing alcohol to kids that are 15 or 16 is disturbing to me, almost as disturbing as a 16 year old buying a keg. High schoolers are ridiculously immature. Can you imagine the increases in drunk driving, statutory rape, teen moms, alcohol poisoning and general stupidity? I couldn't consciously support something like that unless Natty Light came w/a 12-pack of condoms and a canister of pepper spray.

I have two propositions, each of which has its own unique rationale.
1)Drinking age should be moved to 24. By then, the human brain has fully developed and can better withstand the effects of alcohol.
2)Drinking "age" should be after high school graduation. This reduces binge drinking in college, but I would like high school grads to be aware of the effects of alcohol on a developing brain.

Its all about educating potential drinkers. If someone makes the decision to drink away their future at a kegger on a Thursday night, that's fine by me. But I don't think most teenagers are capable of making those types of long term decisions. And that's before we even address drunk driving and sex.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

I wrote a paper on this freshman year... Only cuz i wasnt 21

But we can vote for our president, fight and die for our country, get a job, get married, drive, and all types of other things at 18, why not drinkin

I can have sex with men and women, why not animals?

I can work for Costco, WalMart and McDonald's, why not the Chicago Bulls?

I can go to school at Arkansas, San Diego State and Texas A&M, why not Yale?

I see what you're saying, and there is a certain right of passage associated with all of the activities you listed, but I don't think the existence of some privileges entitles one to other privileges unless there is a connection between them. For better or worse (worse), society has decided that 18 year olds are prepared to do the things that you listed but they are not prepared to drink. Just as I am not prepared to attend Yale or shoot threes for the Bulls. Not trying to attack you but some other examples are: We can vote for our President at 18 years old, but nobody is complaining that we can't run for President at 18. We can drive at 18, but we can't regulate driving (become a police officer) at 18. None of the privileges that you listed have the stigma that drinking does. And, with the obvious exception of war and possibly employment, none of those privileges do as much harm to your body as drinking does. And there is a direct correlation with the damage done by alcohol and the age at which one consumes it.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

18...you can do EVERYTHING once your 18 except drink...they'll never do this though due to the fact that the city (especially in college towns) makes so much money from handing out minor consumption tickets
I think they'd make more money from the tax revenue by expanding their consumer base. Especially in states where alcohol sales are heavily regulated and prices are artificially inflated.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

18. If you can go to war, you should be able to drink.
Two wrongs don't make a right. And there's no connection between the two activities.
It's 19 here in Canada.

Most high school kids start drinking around 15ish. They usually never card hs seniors. Everyone on campus drinks. Bars are lenient depending. I think it should just be 18, makes more sense that way.
Whenever you can catch a bullet for the US (18) is what the drinking age should be but I doubt that will happen.

I can have sex with men and women, why not animals?

I can work for Costco, WalMart and McDonald's, why not the Chicago Bulls?

I can go to school at Arkansas, San Diego State and Texas A&M, why not Yale?

First one why would you? Second one your not good enough and until a few years ago you could if good enough. As for the third one your not smart enough.  That was easy
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

I wrote a paper on this freshman year... Only cuz i wasnt 21

But we can vote for our president, fight and die for our country, get a job, get married, drive, and all types of other things at 18, why not drinkin
My mom always makes this comparison.
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Whenever you can catch a bullet for the US (18) is what the drinking age should be but I doubt that will happen.

I can have sex with men and women, why not animals?

I can work for Costco, WalMart and McDonald's, why not the Chicago Bulls?

I can go to school at Arkansas, San Diego State and Texas A&M, why not Yale?
First one why would you? Second one your not good enough and until a few years ago you could if good enough. As for the third one your not smart enough.  That was easy

well then i guess its easy why you cant drink if you arent 21 yet, cause you arent old enough
and its you're, not your
How about we forget the idea of strict age for drinking and allow those who graduate high school to have special id cards. Lets says 18 as the youngest age and if someone were to dropout then the standard 21 year age would apply.
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Whenever you can catch a bullet for the US (18) is what the drinking age should be but I doubt that will happen.

I can have sex with men and women, why not animals?

I can work for Costco, WalMart and McDonald's, why not the Chicago Bulls?

I can go to school at Arkansas, San Diego State and Texas A&M, why not Yale?
First one why would you? Second one your not good enough and until a few years ago you could if good enough. As for the third one your not smart enough.  That was easy

If it was so easy to answer those questions, why did you make such a poor argument for lowering the drinking age? Why does it matter why someone wants to have sex with an animal? That's a personal choice. There are lots of people who would say "why would you" to the concept of drinking, so making a moral argument is pointless. Not "good enough" and "smart enough" are generic phrases that both indicate unpreparedness. I can become better and play for the Bulls. I can become smarter and go to Yale. Just as Americans can become more mature and start drinking.
Originally Posted by PapaPrem

Just what we need. More knucklehead drunk drivers!
Yeah, because lowering the drinking age has everything to do with drunken driving. What stupid simplicity.

21 is a dumb drinking age. After you graduate from high school, you should be allowed to drink legally.
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