Mac User's I need your help!!!

Mar 5, 2008
It's about time for me to get a new computer and I've been really wanting a Mac lately...I've been asking around but most of my friends havePC's so their really no help....So I was wondering all the present or past Mac users will let me no the pros and cons of getting one.Appreciated!...........O yea do you guys think there will be discounts for the on Black Friday? If so, Id probably will wait until then. Thanx NT.
Just get the new Macbook. No need to get the MBP.

Pros: everything
Cons: none of Barclays programs were made for Macs haha so I had to install XP.
Pros: User friendly. Simple. Clean. No viruses. Runs both Mac OS and Windows. Powerful.

Cons: Expensive as hell.
Pros: Unlimited.

Cons: Waiting for Black Friday as you stated is pointless, as there will be no discounts.
Originally Posted by Jordan Freak 32

Pros: User friendly. Simple. Clean. No viruses. Runs both Mac OS and Windows. Powerful.

Cons: Expensive as hell.

It won't be discounted anywhere on Black Friday. Great machine though, I just bought one for school and it keeps me happy.
Unless you are using it for graphic design or video editing, Mac's are overpriced and not worthy of the hype.

BTW, I have both (Mac Pro and Vaio).
Great computers i have one. But if your not doing anything pass internet surfing and word processing then save your money.

i was a PC user my whole life until my highschool gave us macbooks my freshmen year

im now a freshmen in college, and as soon as i gave back my macbook. i copped myself a black one and would never go back to PC
Pros...i think you'll love everything about it once you've used it for a while. Its somewhat "different" if it's your first time using aMAC, especially if you're transitioning from a windows based system. Once you get the hang of it, which should take you about 2-3 days, you'll love it.The interface is just so much better imo. Sure you could get a pc for a lot cheaper but a MAC is just more convenient in the long run. i pointed out earlier, if its your first time using a MAC you may get a tad but irritated considering its just so different. Now a personal con:stupid applecare and the fact that you have to drop a few bills for like 1-3 yrs.

In terms of deals, i think you may just have missed 'em. They had a back to school deal where you could buy a Macbook and you would get an Ipod touch andprinter for free. They just re-invented the Macbook so you could possibly get the OG macbook for cheap (though i doubt it cause my campus tech. store which isa certified Mac vendor just raised the prices back to pre-back to school deal #s)
never had a mac before and i like mine a lot

even though it might not be discounted on black friday you might get other things with it (for example the 360 is not discounted but on black friday if you getit at best buy you get a 50 dollar gift card to best buy wich you can use on a controller or a game) so on black friday at the apple store or at like best butyou might get some other things with it get what im saying?
If you go to a University.. you should get a discount.

Got the new macbook with a printer, case and accessories for $1320. Very good deal.
I appreciate every1s feedback....i just wanted to make sure it deserved all the hype b4 i drop so much doe......yea i go to URI out here in Cali so i shouldget a deal....1more Q....macbook or imac??? i no macbook obviously has portability but as specs wats better??
Spec-wise, the iMac will be better for the price. Its like that for all desktops/laptops. You pay for portability.
I say if you dont need a laptop, go with the iMac.
goodlookin Hef me personally i dont need the portability
ive been contemplating this for a while i wanted to make sure cuz i told myself the next comp i buy it has to last
Originally Posted by KingJaffeJo

goodlookin Hef me personally i dont need the portability
ive been contemplating this for a while i wanted to make sure cuz i told myself the next comp i buy it has to last
A mac will definitely last as long as you arent stupid with it. Ive had my macbook since they first came out May of 2006. before that, i had aniBook for a few years, and before that i had a 4 year old PowerMac, and well before Apple IIe. There's a reason older macs have resale value.check eBay if you dont believe me.
i just bought one of the new macbooks about 2 weeks ago.


pros: EVERYTHING! beautiful, light, small, keys are black so they're easier to see since they don't blend in with the color of the computer, SUPER FAST... i'm talking like most web pages load before you can even blink, more space, more ram, and the graphics card they put in there is SICK! .. crystalclear!

cons: well i don't know if it will affect you...but the only thing i don't like, is the new ones have NO FIREWIRE!
so for me it sucks because i do alot of video editing. without FW i can't import footage. grrrr!!!!

also...i wouldn't wait until black friday because apple rarely does discounts.
however, you can get $100 off if you're a college student, even if you're not just say so lol

and i co-sign reigndrop on the not needing to get a macbook pro...unless you need FW of course.
o wow u rep apple faithfully

as far as FW it doesn't bother me....but im really leaning towards an imac
in that case i'll give u the pros and cons for that. my friend has one...and before i bought my macbook i used hers a lot for my editing and stuff.

pros: big screen, easy because u don't have 34823847 different cords getting tangled. only one cord. the key board and mouse are wireless, they'repretty fast, and even though they aren't laptops they're still pretty easy to transport.
cons: i actually don't really have any..
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