Macklemore is Done!!!!

So what about black people that do it simply because it is the in thing to do?

So if I am a nerd and am not about ANY life other than marine life and I decide to become a rapper, that's cool as long as I am black?

Fake black rappers get called out all the time.

It's just that when somebody white is tryna talk, dress, look like us they'll get criticized more cuz not only are not apart of hip hop culture, they're even black.
What plies is doing now, is shameful. Straight up C-00ning
What is he doing? 
midas whale support iggy  too smh.

Charlie pride had love for the music, as previously mentioned post Malone saw it on tumbler and transformed. Look at those old videos up there :smh:

If y'all giving that a pass then give iggy a pass too

If Iggy stopped pretending to be Trina and grabbed a guitar and rapped about Starbucks, Patagonia, Chipotle and getting heartbroken, I would no longer have a problem with her either. That would probably be a better bet for her career/sales-wise anyway lol.

Post finding his own lane...that Boy Bandz track I posted for example, is mixing that country/white boy **** with the trap vibe. I could see if he was full out Slim Jesus-ing it and rapping about killing and ****. He's harmlessly singing with autotune about money, girls and drugs with a country/soft rock spin on it mixed with trap. I saw him say somewhere he don't even consider himself a rapper.

So if I am a nerd and am not about ANY life other than marine life and I decide to become a rapper, that's cool as long as I am black?

While black rappers aren't immune to getting called out for faking it, especially in this social media era when we can pull up this "killer's" MySpace that shows he was a geek a few years ago...

There is a racial/historical undertone/context that comes when a white copies black art and is more successful at it then them.

Especially when it comes to hip hop and whites perpretrating very real black pain and suffering for financial gain.

So whites are definitely gonna get called out for it more...Post Malone is gonna have to face criticisms that Plies doesn't have to (although I heard Plies brother is official and that he's basically just rapping his brothers life)...

At the end of the day though, it's all entertainment...another thing might be that hip hop is black created culture...anyone can participate in it...but when you start faking in a culture that isn't your own, that might be where people have a problem...

Would anyone have a problem with Slim Jesus if he was making screamo music about killing people instead of drill music?
Black rappers get called out all the time. Do y'all not remember when people found out about the Ross co thing. That's why I wasn't even entertaining the race thing. And I can promise you no one thinks Paul wall is a culture vulture
Ain't Plies really from the hood though? To me Plies is just a _ that knows there's a time and place for things. You can't go to a job interview talking the same way you do around your homies.
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Black rappers get called out all the time. Do y'all not remember when people found out about the Ross co thing. That's why I wasn't even entertaining the race thing. And I can promise you no one thinks Paul wall is a culture vulture

Because Paul Wall grew up in the culture he participates in and doesn't rap about **** he's not about...

Also, when the rap career slowed down, he didn't switch up and start talking/acting/dressing different...that ***** still in Houston, doing grills, being himself.

All you gotta do in rap, white, black or green, is be yourself.
Still surprised how wayne and baby haven't been called out all these years. False flagging and talmbout slangin when wayne pretty much lived a privileged life in his teens
Ain't Plies really from the hood though? To me Plies is just a _ that knows there's a time and place for things. You can't go to a job interview talking the same way you do around your homies.

The video I posted from him back in 07, he wasn't at a job interview. It was simply a hip hop web interview. That's how plies talked all the time. At 106 & park, radio....whatever. Now, he's in this IG character 24/7. He's playing a caricature of a ratchett south Florida dude....all for IG likes and relevancy.
Nah it wasn't a job interview but it's still a interview. I've seen plenty of Plies interviews, he always changes his lingo to get a point across. I just don't take what he's doing on instagram that serious. To me it's just a _ f'n around being funny. Plies is a south Florida dude from the hood. I think he's just exaggerating part of his personality.
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