Magic Johnson's son goes public with boyfriend

seems kinda ironic seeing the stances and responses ppl have stated.... ive heard ppl say that their isnt a certain way a man should be, woman should be, and there isnt a way a gay person should be...and mannerism, actions and behaviors arent neccesarily associated with homosexuality. saying all this to say if their isnt a certain association of looks/action mannerism etc... link with gays. then how can they fall victim to social stigmas and prejudices. Again it isnt like being black, asian etc... where it can be simply defined just by eyeballing. So how can they be mistreated/viewed differently if they look etc.. the same? Im not condoning it but in order to be treated unjust, they must do something outlandish, act abnormal of such in order to garner attention to be discriminated against. Now i cant say this behavior is cause by them being depressed. But in reference to your point i agree with the other person that the depression/or whatever it is in which makes them act in a manner that garners attention to be discriminated comes first and not the other way around.

It just doesnt make sense if they are truly gay, and this is just how they natural feel and it isnt a choice...why would they be sad/upset about this choice? I hear what your saying as far as how society views it, but as many have stated you really cant view gay, it isnt a skin color or something visual. Its almost like they are going out the way to be seen as homosexual, just to be mistreated, just to say they are bring mistreated.
A lot of gays spiral into depression without anyone even knowing they're gay. They're scared to admit they are because they fear the reactions of friends, random people, parents, ...

As soon as you let someone know you're gay people are bound to hear about it. Even if you're completely normal the sole fact you're gay will make people bully you.
Maybe they are going out of their way to be seen as homosexual so they can get equal rights.
but thats kinda iuno **** backwards in a sense... i be myself and just do me and get treated fairly...but no instead i go above and out of the way to be discriminated just to be accepted...when i was already being accepted. If they truly wanted to be viewed as the same and treated equal...why would you act different? Itll be like if i went for a job and i had a background...and despite that background a job still hired me, what sense would it make for me to go out of my way to show my employer that my past...w/e it maybe is behind me?
Maybe they are going out of their way to be seen as homosexual so they can get equal rights.
but thats kinda iuno **** backwards in a sense... i be myself and just do me and get treated fairly...but no instead i go above and out of the way to be discriminated just to be accepted...when i was already being accepted. If they truly wanted to be viewed as the same and treated equal...why would you act different? Itll be like if i went for a job and i had a background...and despite that background a job still hired me, what sense would it make for me to go out of my way to show my employer that my past...w/e it maybe is behind me?

Equal rights in a sense of marriage my friend. Wouldn't you want to be able to get married?

if they truely wanted to be viewed as the same and treated equal...why would you act differently

Speaking out against the laws put against you which stops you from being equal could be a reason.
What has this thread become?
y'all really do ruin everything
You never answered my question. 
Equal rights in a sense of marriage my friend. Wouldn't you want to be able to get married?
Speaking out against the laws put against you which stops you from being equal could be a reason.
i agree in marriage that is just one aspect of life...a very very small one at that.... im pretty sure the gay community dont think marriage will be the be all to end all. Im talking in everyday life. going to a restaurant, job discrimination etc... marriage at the very most is just a small fraction  Im not being insensitive im just saying a bulk of the hurt is self inflicting wounds. And in all honesty besides the tax incentives, modern day marriage is completely foolish...and outright stupid at best. And that is where i kinda dont see validity in their cause. I truly believe if they were granted the same liberties except the actually title of marriage, there still would be issues.

Outside of mariage what restraints/laws hold homsexuals back? I mean i know they are mistreated, and what not. But like i stated earlier since homosexuality isnt a visual thing. how can they been seen different? Ive never seen a application with sex orientation. Ive never heard of driving while gay, how could a business refuse to serve you on the premise off being gay? Unless you go above and out the way to let it be known ou are gay. And how exactly do you do that if it isnt a visual thing?

Like i said i could see a driving while black cause i mean its obvious. A discrimination of being seen lazy or not academic because your hispanic...because, again that can be seen. Even in this story... mj son wants to be seen as a individual on his own merits... and not based on his sexuality...yet he makes it a point to bring it up. You dont see str8 ppl out and about making a point to be seen as str8. As i stated before this shouldnt even be a story. Ok he is gay, and so are millions of others....and it shouldnt be a big deal...If you want a situation etc to be seen normal and not a big deal, why treat it view it as abnormal and make a big deal about it.

Like i said before if i have a criminal past and wanted to be judged for who i am...why would i go all out to let ppl know and make a big deal etc...that i had a criminal past. Just because i dont put out huge billboards...and scream from the mountain tops "hey i was once a killer,dealer,etc.." doesnt mean im ashame of it or trying to hide it. It just means its not a big deal wasnt the first nor the last and lets just move forward.
Equal rights in a sense of marriage my friend. Wouldn't you want to be able to get married?

Speaking out against the laws put against you which stops you from being equal could be a reason.
i agree in marriage that is just one aspect of life...a very very small one at that.... im pretty sure the gay community dont think marriage will be the be all to end all. Im talking in everyday life. going to a restaurant, job discrimination etc... marriage at the very most is just a small fraction  Im not being insensitive im just saying a bulk of the hurt is self inflicting wounds. And in all honesty besides the tax incentives, modern day marriage is completely foolish...and outright stupid at best. And that is where i kinda dont see validity in their cause. I truly believe if they were granted the same liberties except the actually title of marriage, there still would be issues.

Marriage is pretty big aspect of life. The bigger picture, however, is equality and fairness. Why shouldn't they be allowed to do this and that because they are gay? Sometimes you have to look further. If I wasn't allowed to marry the person that I love, I'm going to act out in many ways. Not just because I want to get married, but because I want to be equal.

It's like giving a slave freedom, but telling him he can't vote. You are almost there, but you aren't equal to those around you.

Outside of mariage what restraints/laws hold homsexuals back? I mean i know they are mistreated, and what not. But like i stated earlier since homosexuality isnt a visual thing. how can they been seen different? Ive never seen a application with sex orientation. Ive never heard of driving while gay, how could a business refuse to serve you on the premise off being gay? Unless you go above and out the way to let it be known ou are gay. And how exactly do you do that if it isnt a visual thing?

Other laws besides marriage include Anti-gay adoption, where in some states gays can't adopt children. Gays do not have recognition of same sex unions and marriage.

Us state laws says that a single gay person can adopt, but a gay couple cannot.

So that is same of the first limitations, by US law.

As for the question, how do you make yourself known to be gay, well I guess that varies, but a lot of applications require the name of your spouse. Which, they would write down their significant other, even though they cannot be married.

It could also be stereotypes at fault here. But you would really have to look at the individual here.

Like i said i could see a driving while black cause i mean its obvious. A discrimination of being seen lazy or not academic because your hispanic...because, again that can be seen. Even in this story... mj son wants to be seen as a individual on his own merits... and not based on his sexuality...yet he makes it a point to bring it up. You dont see str8 ppl out and about making a point to be seen as str8. As i stated before this shouldnt even be a story. Ok he is gay, and so are millions of others....and it shouldnt be a big deal...If you want a situation etc to be seen normal and not a big deal, why treat it view it as abnormal and make a big deal about it.

It shouldn't be news, but in today's society Lindsy Lohan getting drunk, and Drake hating Chris Brown are head liners.

Straight people don't need to be marked as straight, since it's something people expect of you. Same goes with race, you don't see a white man making his color known. It just is what it is. Sometimes you have to let things be known in order to get a weight off your chest, or get the equality they deserve.

Like i said before if i have a criminal past and wanted to be judged for who i am...why would i go all out to let ppl know and make a big deal etc...that i had a criminal past. Just because i dont put out huge billboards...and scream from the mountain tops "hey i was once a killer,dealer,etc.." doesnt mean im ashame of it or trying to hide it. It just means its not a big deal wasnt the first nor the last and lets just move forward.

But being a criminal and wanting to move on with your life has nothing to do with homosexuality. A criminal past is something you don't need to tell everybody, and it isn't necessarily important. Yet, a lifestyle is. Because you can't out grow a lifestyle.
has anything funny happened after the first 22 pages or do you dudes really care about magics son this much?
What is your take on this topic? If you have nothing to contribute to this thread, your questions and posts will from here on, be ignored.

If you plan on contributing: site your sources,provide facts, and stay on topic.

Otherwise, see your way out.

Your trolling is not accepted.
I think it's pretty clear that I wasn't talking to you based on who I quoted. I've already addressed you and your inadequate argument. You made contradicting statements and used outdated articles. On top that, you refused to present recent information and blindly cited research you admittedly haven't reviewed.

Keep crying "troll" and ignoring criticism.  
^^ yeah, dude is strait peasant status in my book. Be gone....
Yeah, you made an incredibly ignorant statement and went missing when you were called out on it. Do you always act like a child when your nonsense isn't tolerated? 
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Leviticus 20:13 "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
Leviticus 20:13 "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

I already said this.

Is that something you follow?
Leviticus 20:13 "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

The same book says thou shalt not kill though.

I think its high time we stop looking to a book that can't even stick to its own logic to prove points.
That's actually pertained to the title of this thread. It hasn't been about his son for quite a few pages back.

That doesn't justify you trying to call someone out when they have a different opinion about something and your only response is "contribute to the title of the thread".
Leviticus 20:13 "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

The same book says thou shalt not kill though.

I think its high time we stop looking to a book that can't even stick to its own logic to prove points.

It's about to go from gay rights to religion

That doesn't justify you trying to call someone out when they have a different opinion about something and your only response is "contribute to the title of the thread".
If you look at his post history, the only thing he's done in this entire thread, is troll other members. Hence, the reason why I asked him to contribute to the "topic" of this thread.
Requesting information to support your claims and noting your inconsistencies are now considered trolling.

So, you just have to be right. You don't want to be questioned. Got it. 

It's convenient to cry "troll" when you don't have a decent response. I noted the flaws in your argument and you ignored them. Grow up and learn from it or continue acting like a child. 
Less trolling, more on-topic facts spewing. At this point , I'll just take it as you're terrified of having a debate with another individual. So, you resort to trolling.

Nice. Keep it up though, I like having my statements reinforced.
It's easy to criticize Kobe behind a television  screen. Sup with a 1on1 though? 

Awesome, you helped prove my point. 
Marriage is pretty big aspect of life. The bigger picture, however, is equality and fairness. Why shouldn't they be allowed to do this and that because they are gay? Sometimes you have to look further. If I wasn't allowed to marry the person that I love, I'm going to act out in many ways. Not just because I want to get married, but because I want to be equal.

It's like giving a slave freedom, but telling him he can't vote. You are almost there, but you aren't equal to those around you.

Other laws besides marriage include Anti-gay adoption, where in some states gays can't adopt children. Gays do not have recognition of same sex unions and marriage.

Us state laws says that a single gay person can adopt, but a gay couple cannot.

So that is same of the first limitations, by US law.

As for the question, how do you make yourself known to be gay, well I guess that varies, but a lot of applications require the name of your spouse. Which, they would write down their significant other, even though they cannot be married.

It could also be stereotypes at fault here. But you would really have to look at the individual here.
It shouldn't be news, but in today's society Lindsy Lohan getting drunk, and Drake hating Chris Brown are head liners.

Straight people don't need to be marked as straight, since it's something people expect of you. Same goes with race, you don't see a white man making his color known. It just is what it is. Sometimes you have to let things be known in order to get a weight off your chest, or get the equality they deserve.
But being a criminal and wanting to move on with your life has nothing to do with homosexuality. A criminal past is something you don't need to tell everybody, and it isn't necessarily important. Yet, a lifestyle is. Because you can't out grow a lifestyle.
neither is can only be a big deal if you make it so.... just like this almost positive the news media etc... didnt just troll around a say we need a headliner high profile beat about a famous persons son being gay. I dont think they went calling and searching around looking for famous ppl sons who happen to be gay. Saying all that to say mj his son or whoever had to have went out their way to make a big deal out of being gay. And thats my issue, bad choice of words but you know what i mean. The example you gave of others are examples of ppl doing actions to stay/return be in the limelight and get notoriety. If this isnt what the homosexual community wants, and want to be seen as individuals and just seen as themselves...why do things to draw attention to oneself?

Its kinda like the dope got the guys who just do what thy do...arent a shame of it and just love live life...then you got those guys who go all bmf...and flash money, dope, make wshh/dvds about the game and draw attention to themselves. And how is a criminal past not a lifestyle. If you have a past of selling dope...would not that be ingrained and have a lifestyle... You cant honestly say a kingpin, a notorious bank robber etc... doesnt have a unique lifestyle. or leads to a seperate lifestyle. And not dimishing your points but adopting kids/marriage arent quintessential to life... I agree in all honesty have no problem with marriage etc... im on the fence with adoption seeing as stats and facts prove that the ideal and best situation for a child is a mother and father...and a single or same sex raising of a child chances of being a productive citizen lessens dramatically.

i also think in many cases they hurt their cause by participating in the such as media and television shows... and trivializing the movement.
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Less trolling, more on-topic facts spewing. At this point , I'll just take it as you're terrified of having a debate with another individual. So, you resort to trolling.

Nice. Keep it up though, I like having my statements reinforced.

It's easy to criticize Kobe behind a television  screen. Sup with a 1on1 though? 


Why would anyone try to debate someone who turns a blind eye to factual information?

As you said earlier, its like arguing with a two year old.
Nah. I stopped responding to dude when it became clear he wasn't ready to have an actual conversation.

I don't know why anyone else continued to entertain that ****.
. And not dimishing your points but adopting kids/marriage arent quintessential to life... I agree in all honesty have no problem with marriage etc... im on the fence with adoption seeing as stats and facts prove that the ideal and best situation for a child is a mother and father...and a single or same sex raising of a child chances of being a productive citizen lessens dramatically.

i also think in many cases they hurt their cause by participating in the such as media and television shows... and trivializing the movement.

I'm going to say a few things.

If you keep comparing one thing to the next irrelevant subject, you aren't going to see the whole picture.

Where is your proof about how parenting, and how it affects the child throughout life? Did you conduct a personal case study yourself?

. And not dimishing your points but adopting kids/marriage arent quintessential to life... I agree in all honesty have no problem with marriage etc

Voting isn't a major part of life either, but women and blacks made sure that they got that .

Equality is the main issue here.

i also think in many cases they hurt their cause by participating in the such as media and television shows... and trivializing the movement.

You don't participate in stereotypes, they are used against you. They are a schema about a specific type of person.

If a Mexican man mows lawns he isn't participating in the stereotype, he is just a victim.
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