
That supposed crash site is clearly outside of Chinese maritime boundaries however not clearly inside anyone elses... I'd believe that it's "international airspace".

Furthermore, satellites would be flying outside of the earths atmosphere and 100+ km's in altitude which would also be considered outside of anyone's airspace.

Ok champ your taking me too literally.. How about China's "sphere-of-influence"... Get me the map for that one thanks.
meh, it could be anything

lets no jump to conclusions guys!

thanks for posting the pic btw

As posted earlier: "The objects aren't small: 13 by 18 meters (43 by 59 feet), 14 by 19 meters (46 by 62 feet) and 24 by 22 meters (79 feet by 72 feet). For reference, the wingspan of an intact Boeing 777-200ER like the one that disappeared is about 61 meters (200 feet) and its overall length is about 64 meters (210 feet)."

That supposed crash site is clearly outside of Chinese maritime boundaries however not clearly inside anyone elses... I'd believe that it's "international airspace".

Furthermore, satellites would be flying outside of the earths atmosphere and 100+ km's in altitude which would also be considered outside of anyone's airspace.
Ok champ your taking me too literally.. How about China's "sphere-of-influence"... Get me the map for that one thanks.
Why are you catching feelings over what I posted?  Did I "come at you" by posting the maritime boundaries of the region and offering insight on the vertical boundaries of what "airspace" means?  Seemed to me like I was helping discussion but do you, champ.

Can't even post useful information on NT anymore without someone getting hurt.
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Analyst said he doesn't think those images aren't part of the wreckage because of the size given of the pieces which makes sense.
Thanks for posting that pic up there ^^ but we dont need to wait days for boats to go check it out, a simple 1 hour plane flight would detirmine if its the plane or not, by now they would have done that........... youd think....... smh
So malaysia apparently did not receive or see the satellite pictures, how come the pictures got on CNN before the nations? Is this false?
So malaysia apparently did not receive or see the satellite pictures, how come the pictures got on CNN before the nations? Is this false?

Haha, they know, they knew way before CNN. I wanna hear news on the change too the search now this pic has surfaced (too the media)

In that case, the airplane kept sending signals even while going down. This thing just vanished with no trace.
the plane 'vanished' in a similiar manner. And finding the wreckage took years.

They found wreckage within 5 days, it took 2 years to locate the black boxes.


There is no and, you were just wrong, :lol:
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You have a few ppl on CNN saying that it's not possible that the debris is that of a plane. 79 by 72 is too big.

In that case, the airplane kept sending signals even while going down. This thing just vanished with no trace.
the plane 'vanished' in a similiar manner. And finding the wreckage took years.
They found wreckage within 5 days, it took 2 years to locate the black boxes.
There is no and, you were just wrong,
wrong about what exactly?
"A spokesman for the US seventh fleet has told CNBC news it is not changing their search area after the release of the satellite images"

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