Some theory my buddy whos in the service posted. Supposedly from some type of indian guy

The American is withdrawing from the Afghanistan, one of their command and control system (used for controlling the pilotless drones) was hijacked by the Talebans when the American transport convoy was moving down from one of the hill top bases. The Talebans ambushed the convoy and killed 2 American Seal personnel, seized the equipment/weapons, including the command and control system which weighed about 20 tons and packed into 6 crates. This happened about a month ago in Feb 2014. 

What the Talebans want is money. They want to sell the system to the Russian or the Chinese. The Russian is too busy in Ukraine. The Chinese are hungry for the system's technology. Just imagine if the Chinese master the technology behind the command and control system, all the American drones will become useless. So the Chinese sent 8 top defense scientists to check the system and agreed to pay millions for it. 

Sometime in early Mar 2014, the 8 scientists and the 6 crates made their way to Malaysia, thinking that it was the best covert way to avoid detection. The cargo was then kept in the Embassy under diplomatic protection. Meanwhile the American has engaged the assistance of Israeli intelligence, and together they are determined to intercept and recapture the cargo. 

The Chinese calculated that it will be safe to transport it via civilian aircraft so as to avoid suspicion. After all the direct flight from KL to Beijing takes only 4 and half hours, and the American will not hijack or harm the civilian. So MH370 is the perfect carrier. 


Why would China go all through this ( Flying a top secret crate to another country, hijack a plane, crash a plane using a remote control) when they share a border with AFGHANISTAN ! :lol:

Come on.
that part of the ocean is where all those Asian companies dump their @#$% at though, so I wouldn't get too excited yet. My friend in the Navy has passed through there several times and says it's just covered with a ton of debris that float from Asia or are brought there to be tossed overboard

Similar to the trash circles in the Pacific

View media item 881255
View media item 881257

WTH!? :smh:

They really just dump crap like this in the ocean like it's whatever though? Wildin :smh:

That long story up there sounds like someone has watched "Lone Survivor" one too many times :lol:
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^ not that much at one time...but yes the USN (and any other floating vessel) does that. only stuff that is biodegradable.
that part of the ocean is where all those Asian companies dump their @#$% at though, so I wouldn't get too excited yet. My friend in the Navy has passed through there several times and says it's just covered with a ton of debris that float from Asia or are brought there to be tossed overboard

Similar to the trash circles in the Pacific
wow, is this real life? we're going to destroy our own planet
^ I'm sayin n dudes cosigning talking about "Yeah that's just what they do" :smh: ridiculous!

Just eff the marine life :rolleyes
Why would China go all through this ( Flying a top secret crate to another country, hijack a plane, crash a plane using a remote control) when they share a border with AFGHANISTAN !

Come on.
Did you even read what he posted or do you not understand? The reading stated Americans did that not china.

It all makes sense now. No wonder they kept diverting the search efforts to remote parts that was no where near the crash
Did you even read what he posted or do you not understand? The reading stated Americans did that not china.

It all makes sense now. No wonder they kept diverting the search efforts to remote parts that was no where near the crash

You hijacked the words right out of my mouth.

My question about that theory is... how did the U.S. know that the stuff was on that plane?
 They really just dump crap like this in the ocean like it's whatever though? Wildin

That long story up there sounds like someone has watched "Lone Survivor" one too many times
china is going to kill us all..

i mean if they are killing their own people with their crappy air full of toxins one could only imagine what kind of ish they are dumping into the ocean.

they eat everything and kill precious wildlife for their furs and for aphrodisiacs. 
Yeah. I'm not a green freak by any means but that picture is just a foul sight. We're gonna be extinct like dinosaurs at this rate...
Malaysia says there's sealed evidence on MH370 that cannot be made public

BEIJING - A Malaysian team have told relatives of Chinese passengers on board the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 that there was sealed evidence that cannot be made public, as they came under fire from the angry relatives at a briefing on Wednesday.

The sealed evidence included air traffic control radio transcript, radar data and airport security recordings.

The briefing at the Metropark Lido Hotel in Beijing focused on UK satellite analysis which led Malaysia to conclude that flight MH370 ended in south Indian Ocean, off Perth.

The Chinese relatives were told that a five-member high-level team from Malaysia plans to brief them once every five days. The team include MAS pilot Lim Jit Koon and senior civil aviation official Ahmad Nizar Zolfakar.

During the question-and-answer session, a relative said: "Thanks for demonstrating your ability to read every word out of the powerpoint slides."

Another asked: "If the info is from UK satellite firm Inmarsat, does it mean the Malaysia team cannot answer our questions on the MH370 analysis?"

Faced with the barrage of questions from the angry relatives, the MAS team replied: "We can answer but we might not be correct as we're not the investigators":

They said Malaysia had requested for the British experts to join them for the briefing in Beijing but the latter declined.
They assured the relatives that the search and rescue operations for the plane have been stepped up but the hunt has been challenging as the search area is huge.

The Malaysian government and MAS have been criticised for their handling of the disappearance of MH370 on March 8. They have been accused of being slow in disseminating information and not revealing everything about the incident.

Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Monday night that based on latest UK data analysis, the plane had gone down in a remote part of the southern Indian Ocean.

"We demand you retract announcement that MH370 ended in south Indian Ocean and continue search-and-rescue operations,'' one relative said at the briefing.

Some family representatives targeted Malaysian envoy Iskandar Sarudin, asking him: "You expect us to accept a report you cannot defend?"

"No comment,'' said Mr Iskandar.

He again declined to comment when asked "how do you expect us to feel friendly towards Malaysia?"

Upset by the response from the Malaysia team, a relative said: "You have once again left us speechless!"

Wednesday's briefing was the first time the media were allowed to attend.

The relatives also accused MAS of not providing enough assistance to them.

"Two-thirds of MH370 passengers are Chinese but only 50 caregivers?" asked a relative.

An airline official explained that they have had problem finding volunteers to help out.

When asked why the MAS office at the hotel was closed on Tuesday, the MAS officials said they were advised by the Chinese government not to be there given the tense mood among the relatives.


a malaysian redditor provides insight on their local government
I've staved off from making any 'As a Malaysian' comments on this story from the very start, because I know that coming in to comment will mean coming in from a biased perspective. I am fully aware of my bias against my government. I am completely cognisant that the following comment will hardly be anything short of disappointment cut with some spite. I don't expect my comment will be helpful in doing anything other than letting everyone know that us here are just as pissed off as the rest of you.
MH370 going missing has been and is a national tragedy. But more than that, it has been an embarrassing wake-up call for Malaysia, reminding us that we don't exist in a vacuum. We've had some pretty ****** up ****e before, but nothing where we have been put up in the international spotlight quite the same way we have now. We have never made an impression on the international consciousness the same way our neighbours to the south in Singapore have for our economy, as relatively robust as it is. We were a small outpost of the British Empire, played a little part in WWII, but really, we have been a blip on the international scene since independence.
The ruling party has been in power since 1957. It has grown complacent and indolent. I don't say this with malice, I say this out of pure fact: for the first time last year, they lost the popular vote in the General Elections, keeping office only by means of what is effectively gerrymandering. The government runs off shady deals and corruption, and that ****e filters down through society - I just got my driving license, which I had to take ten one-hour lessons for. I was offered the "100% Pass" package from the very start, and the police officer that administered the test to me effectively gave me the option to buy them off before I had even got into first gear.
I speak from experience because I know no way else to speak.
The government is not used to doling out information freely - why should they be? Almost every media outlet is run in some way or another by the state, we have sedition laws that mean speaking out against the government is a criminal offense, and we have a government with the legal right to arrest individuals without trial indefinitely for unspecified crimes, in 'special circumstances'. Free speech isn't a thing here. My grandmother refuses to vote, because she thinks that if she votes against the government there will be consequences. Even at home, mum and dad have me keep my voice down if I'm starting to talk political because they're afraid people will hear. This government is used to a populace for which fear and deference is the natural order of things. Cynicism and jadedness don't help either - why vote in elections where the outcome is known? Why try to change something that will never change?
I, as much as anyone else here, desperately want to know what happened to that flight. I want to know for the sake of the families of those on-board, so that even with their loss, they can achieve some closure. I want to know because that will mean my government having to for once become bloody accountable to it's people, and to the world. But I don't think that will happen. I don't think that they will ever be able to process that they belong to a community greater than their petty local politics, that a human tragedy of this magnitude isn't another by-election, that cloak-and-dagger politicking doesn't mean a goddamn ******* thing when all that is needed is honesty and some goddamn human decency.
To whatever government official that might be reading this, and contemplating throwing me in for sedition, et al.: I want to love my country. God damn I want to love it. It's where I grew up, it's where all the important things that have ever happened in my pitiful mortality have occurred to up until now. I know I am in a position of uncommon privilege - frankly, my family has money, I go to a disgustingly expensive British International School, I will be going to London in a couple of months to start Uni there. All the same, I speak Malay fluently, I shout for Chong Wei and Nicol David, I eat the same heart-killing-stomach-loving mamak food. I want to say I will after three years want to come back and build the country of my birth, but all the same, at this rate, I don't see a single reason why I would. Please, just stop the insufferable parade of ********e and lies, and just be frank and open about things. Give the families some goddamn peace, and save your faces while you're at it.
Give me a reason to sing the anthem I memorised when I was six with pride again.
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What are they trying to accomplish by telling that to the families?

"Hey, we have all this information that's important to the investigation....but, we're not sure why we're telling you, because it's confidential and can't reveal it."
I just wish they would stop showing this on the news as much as they have. Literally every news station I turn to they're going back and forth on the topic when barely **** has changed in terms of new information.
What are they trying to accomplish by telling that to the families?

"Hey, we have all this information that's important to the investigation....but, we're not sure why we're telling you, because it's confidential and can't reveal it."

Closure!!! :lol: :lol:
that part of the ocean is where all those Asian companies dump their @#$% at though, so I wouldn't get too excited yet. My friend in the Navy has passed through there several times and says it's just covered with a ton of debris that float from Asia or are brought there to be tossed overboard

Similar to the trash circles in the Pacific
View media item 881257

Wow this is just ridiculous. Do they even recycle in China? No wonder they eat anything they can get their hands on over there. They're killing almost all the wildlife in that part of the earth. :smh:
Wow this is just ridiculous. Do they even recycle in China? No wonder they eat anything they can get their hands on over there. They're killing almost all the wildlife in that part of the earth. :smh:

Yes the Chinese eat everything and anything that crosses their path. Tell us more.
How do recycling and "eating everything they can get their hands on" even relate? Dude just wanted an excuse to fire off an ignorant statement :lol:
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How do recycling and "eating everything they can get their hands on" even relate? Dude just wanted an excuse to fire off an ignorant statement :lol:

hahaha you're right, they don't relate at all...|I Back to the topic of discussion.
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