'Mantyhose' Are The Latest Hot Trend In Menswear VOL. da emasculation of man is upon us.

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:smh: Ninja was raised right.  [COLOR=#red]You can tell he wasn't up under "momma" all day [/COLOR]even tho he still lives with her.  A masculine figure doesn't have to be your actual father

...and you know this how?

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:smh: Ninja was raised right.  You can tell he wasn't up under "momma" all day even tho he still lives with her.  A masculine figure doesn't have to be your actual father

You right you right. Everything you have ever said on NT is of sound mind. :smokin

I did a good thing today, this guy was depressed and I gave him a little pick me up.

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mantys + meggins + t skirts = :rofl:

When did I ever say geological origin equals race? I don't think the concept of race truely exists.
But with the classically defined definition ninjahood qualifies as black. He calls other people black, when by the same token and thought process, he is black himself.

That's an argument that can take up another thread, that argument is simply my way of calling dude a hypocrite. I do however think he has African blood, and he is the descendant of West African slaves just like African Americans.
but many ppl do and ive on many ocassions heard you refer yourself as dominican...ir a place not a race. he might have been hypocritical. but to the origin of this thread... and yet to receive an answer...this whole evolution..so called no definition of a man, and men can be borderline homosexuals... and outright defer from being a man. If it was true why arent the ppl who are pushing this movement and profiting from this movement actually practicing it?
but many ppl do and ive on many ocassions heard you refer yourself as dominican...ir a place not a race. he might have been hypocritical. but to the origin of this thread... and yet to receive an answer...this whole evolution..so called no definition of a man, and men can be borderline homosexuals... and outright defer from being a man. If it was true why arent the ppl who are pushing this movement and profiting from this movement actually practicing it?

Yea but on the same token why does he call African Americans black, why not just Americans?

You may want to rephrase that, I'm not fluent in gibberish.
so we arguing who's home country got more aids?


we arguing who's home country got more aids, doe...

Yo ninja, I have a serious question.

In that one thread where they posted a vid of your mom being interviewed, you revealed that your dad was locked up the entirety of your childhood and when he was released from the fed.pen, by the time you were 17, he was deported back to the DR.

Now, you seem to harp on this notion of what is ideally masculine and what is not. The "what is not," you posit as "feminine", and when these "feminine" traits are applied to the males, the end result is a gendered emasculation of sorts.

Now looking at this post, from your other thread about men who wear disapproving attire:

...you imply that a father figure is essential to the development of this gendered masculine identity. Now my question is, and I ask this sincerely with no "shots" intended, where did you learn to be "masculine" if your dad was incarcerated for most of your life, and out of the country? Your mom is obviously an integral part of your life, and was undoubtedly your primary caretaker and provider, would I be wrong in thinking that she taught you how to be "masculine"?

Or did you just learn from the streets, from the "OGs" in W.Heights?

I'd appreciate an honest answer.


Is this true? If so the plot thickens............

I have a father and a step father who have been there, and multiple ACTUALLY positive male role models (doctors, engineers, professors) etc and I'm the one without positive male role models? :lol:

This thread actually took a turn for the depressing, this is the best children growing up in the inner cities of America can get. It's pretty sickening. :smh:
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Yea but on the same token why does he call African Americans black, why not just Americans?

You may want to rephrase that, I'm not fluent in gibberish.
again a place not a race ...wasnt talking about where you live but what you are....and you have conveniently ignored this. WHAT IS YOUR RACE....? (negroid/mongoloid/caucasoid) and still evaded the question. And the whole notion i dont believe in race is just a ruse to deny be ashamed of or not accept who you are...You have a degree and yet instill say because i dont accept/like a truth it becomes a belief.

its like the kid who says oh i can read i just dont feel like it.
so we arguing who's home country got more aids?


we arguing who's home country got more aids, doe...

Black people, we got to do better. That's the conclusion of this thread, and I'm mad I got sucked down into the ignorance. I'm saying though, if you're going to post HIV stats just make sure your country doesn't have an HIV epidemic as well. Does dude really think this is the Dominican Republic? No "black people" allowed, only Spanish and Tainos.

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You are doing a great job advancing the black race arguing on the internet for men to wear skirts and pantyhose with a sig that is preaching your love for white women.
again a place not a race ...wasnt talking about where you live but what you are....and you have conveniently ignored this. WHAT IS YOUR RACE....? (negroid/mongoloid/caucasoid) and still evaded the question. And the whole notion i dont believe in race is just a ruse to deny be ashamed of or not accept who you are...You have a degree and yet instill say because i dont accept/like a truth it becomes a belief.

its like the kid who says oh i can read i just dont feel like it.

I'm saying race doesn't exist, but by the classical definition I am black. But technically speaking in this country by that same definition ninjahood's race is Black as well.

I actually proudly accept the term, dunno about ninjahood tho. You can call me African, Nigerian, Black....doesn't bother me one bit. But I'm asking ninjahood to stop being a hypocrite. My nationality is Nigerian, ethnicity is Ibo, "Race" is black.

If Ninjahood has a nationality, he must have a race...and depending on who's definition he qualifies as much for black as many African Americans. Ninjahood is a BLACK Dominican just like some people are Black Americans. If he rejects this, African Americans should be able to reject it as well. Pot calling the kettle black so to speak.

Good try on the "you're ashamed to be called black"...not here chief, even as much as I love white women I take ownership of the term "black".
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You are doing a great job advancing the black race arguing on the internet for men to wear skirts and pantyhose with a sig that is preaching your love for white women.

Yea, if I supported everything every idiot out there said that would be the exact opposite of progress. You idiots sound like white people in the 1800s scorning white abolitionists for saying slavery is immortal. Different times, same ignorance. :D

I love white women, shrugs. Got me there, I also do it cause it makes people like you mad.

Oh now it went from me being gay to liking white women......:nerd:
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You are doing a great job advancing the black race arguing on the internet for men to wear skirts and pantyhose with a sig that is preaching your love for white women.

Yea, if I supported everything every idiot out there said that would be the exact opposite of progress. You idiots sound like white people in the 1800s scorning white abolitionists for saying slavery is immortal. Different times, same ignorance. :D

I love white women, shrugs. Got me there, I also do it cause it makes people like you mad.

Oh now it went from me being gay to liking white women......:nerd:

I just want you to accept the fact that it is generally considered effeminate in this country for a man to wear a skirt and some pantyhose. And you really aren't doing anything revolutionary by wearing 'em, just making yourself look like a hypebeast idiot who spends too much time primping and choosing his clothes.
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That's the most pressing problems plaguing the black community today, tight pants. Meanwhile white people are rocking theri tight clothes, feeding poison to your children and laughing straight to the bank. They think their biggest problem is tight pants. The white man did a fantastic job I must say, I'm actually impressed. People wanna talk about institutionalized racism, this IS IT. :smokin

On that note, bed.....thanks for the entertainment folks. :wink:
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That's the most pressing problems plaguing the black community today, tight pants. Meanwhile white people are rocking theri tight clothes, feeding poison to your children and laughing straight to the bank. They think their biggest problem is tight pants. The white man did a fantastic job I must say, I'm actually impressed. People wanna talk about institutionalized racism, this IS IT. :smokin

Yep, you are a modern day Martin Luther King Jr. in tights.

"I have a dream that one day, young black men and young white men will be free to wear panties and tights without being ridiculed on Niketalk.com"
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I'm saying race doesn't exist, but by the classical definition I am black. But technically speaking in this country by that same definition ninjahood's race is Black as well.

I actually proudly accept the term, dunno about ninjahood tho. You can call me African, Nigerian, Black....doesn't bother me one bit. But I'm asking ninjahood to stop being a hypocrite. My nationality is Nigerian, ethnicity is Ibo, "Race" is black.

If Ninjahood has a nationality, he must have a race...and depending on who's definition he qualifies as much for black as many African Americans.

Good try on the "you're ashamed to be called black"...not here chief, even as much as I love white women I take ownership of the term "black".
how so it was a simple question you hemmed and hawed shucked and jive and basically pulled teeth just for you to say so and even still you tthrew a clause of i dont really believe....etc, and technically..WOW that really speaks proud..a long drawn out pinned in a corner answer. A question simplistic as what race you are doesnt take several lines etc... it really doesnt even need a full complete sentence...

If i was to ask you do you like white women it wouldnt take the jaws of life, a heavy grilling, and a evasive answer? Hell i got my answer as your sig. (nothing wrong with liking them just used as a examples in terms of assertiveness and forthcoming)
I just want you to accept the fact that it is generally considered effeminate in this country for a man to wear a skirt and some pantyhose. And you really aren't doing anything revolutionary by wearing 'em, just making yourself look like a hypebeast idiot who spends too much time primpin and choosing his clothes.
it isnt the clothing moreso the mindset...and the behaviors that are associated with the clothing in particular blacks in this country. Yeah whites etc...may in small doses participate in this... but most of them are the losers degenerates of their own race... and the few outside of that see it as a phase etc... and that is all and do not let it affect the overall moral and mindstate and culture. Thats the difference.
Some of you all's ideas of manhood and masculinity are hilarious. Y'all do realize that there's nothing inherently masculine or feminine about tight fitting pants right? That your ascribing labels like "masculine" and "feminine" (social constructions in their own right) to something as arbitrary and meaningless as how tight someone's pants are is simply evidence that you've bought into a certain type of socialization to the point that you're essentially brainwashed and unable to think for yourself. You do know this right?

And all of this "emasculation of men" nonsense is on about the same level as these old rich white guys claiming the country is fighting a "war against Christianity" and that white males are the new, discriminated against "minority"...
Some of you all's ideas of manhood and masculinity are hilarious. Y'all do realize that there's nothing inherently masculine or feminine about tight fitting pants right? That your ascribing labels like "masculine" and "feminine" (social constructions in their own right) to something as arbitrary and meaningless as how tight someone's pants are is simply evidence that you've bought into a certain type of socialization to the point that you're essentially brainwashed and unable to think for yourself. You do know this right?

And all of this "emasculation of men" nonsense is on about the same level as these old rich white guys claiming the country is fighting a "war against Christianity" and that white males are the new, discriminated against "minority"...

There is something inherently feminine in wearing a dress and some pantyhose, I can't be convinced otherwise.
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