March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

They are cornball brothers.
drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345

How often do you do TOURISTY things down there?


The usual stuff we do while there

Maybe a couple times a year. This past year I went to Busch Gardens once, the beach maybe 3 times, hiking once, and a couple museums (which I don't truly consider touristy).

Most of it comes down to lack of time and I don't drive nor truly enjoy paying for Uber all the time. Last half of the year depression, worklife, change of mental attitude and overall malaise kept me from really doing anything unless I was dragged to do it ( ol' girl would attest to that) but I always appreciated it when I got dragged out. This year I intend to do more because I have really gotten wrapped up into alot of unhealthy habits.
All i ahve left is @af1 1982 vs Naito.

Jericho x Omega match was cool. I enjoyed it. I didnt really have any real expectations as i only got hyped for teh show like 2-3 days ago lol

I like the mix of american styled wrestling with the japanese style

Also i was wondering and i apologize if this comes off as generalization a culture...

but why does the announce team use such a rudimentary setup (big *** tvs, basic beer pong tables etc) and why are all the graphics for all of the video montages soooooo basic?

With Japan being renowned for their technology, all of this just seems off to me
Pollock says he thinks keeping the belt on Okada much longer is not a good thing due to opponents :nerd:
Getting shirts made.
All i ahve left is @af1 1982 vs Naito.

Jericho x Omega match was cool. I enjoyed it. I didnt really have any real expectations as i only got hyped for teh show like 2-3 days ago lol

I like the mix of american styled wrestling with the japanese style

Also i was wondering and i apologize if this comes off as generalization a culture...

but why does the announce team use such a rudimentary setup (big *** tvs, basic beer pong tables etc) and why are all the graphics for all of the video montages soooooo basic?

With Japan being renowned for their technology, all of this just seems off to me

They are not necessarily about the spectacle like the E is. Now, even in the past at WK, they have done some outrageous ****, but on the whole, if it isn't death match promotions, they don't really mess with gimmicks. It is about the athleticism and character work.
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