March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Just got back from the store.
As I am putting the groceries away, I think of NTWT...


#OP/DrewInfluence :smh:
Just got back from the store.
As I am putting the groceries away, I think of NTWT...


#OP/DrewInfluence :smh:

How the hell is that MY fault?!

Just because Gene wants to write off his deeds because everyone in Hollywood does IT, doesn't mean that's on me.

that being said, we are all a little gay sometimes.

Zest is the spice of life.

I totally agree, and it's so transparent. kinda sad that some people lack that much validation in their daily lives.

I've started saying "thoughtsnprayers" when people sneeze, I want to bury that phrase once and for all.

One of my boys stopped rocking his pants out of his boots because he didn't want to look like Fandango. Now the top rated wrestler in the world is doing it, I wonder if he'll switch back.

I like Jay White. Need to watch him and Tanahashi, but him and Kitamura was good. Guy has a good look and can talk. He'll be a star one day. It'd be funny if he and Kitamura main evented the dome years from now.

there's only so many types of attire before you start getting into intentionally weird **** like Zack Ryder halfatights or those futuristic gigolo overalls Jeff Jarrett used to wear, sometimes there's some overlap.

for me, gear is about the whole equipment setup from footwear choice to knee and elbow pads to wrist/fist tape. there's ways to set yourself apart.

out of curiosity, what do you wear into battle my man? are there reasons for your choices?
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