March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Bret Hart was the worst I've ever met..Shane, Francine, and Bam Bam were bye far the nicest..Flair and Hall were super drunk when I met them but they were pretty cool..Ron Mystery probably still hates me for telling everyone who he was when he didn't have his mask on..

What Bret do?
Filipinas in general tbh

I’m down with the Milfs and gilfs.

I’ll throw it to Jaclyn Smith and Phylicia Rashad. Saw Brooke Shields a few years ago and she was with another jawn from one of her short lived tv shows but she was looking so good. Was sitting outside but went to the bathroom inside twice just to catch a glimpse and see if her toes were on point.

I’m a dirty mofo, haha.
I think it's mostly cause she's been bombarded at hotels at like 3am. Nobody wants to deal with that garbage

Dudes probably seen buddy and are thinking


Where the Yamchas at?

Breaking the Kayfabe for the guy. Damn man, what a joykill.

Yeah, **** that ******..Tried to say hi to him and dude was beyond rude..At that point in WCW he hadn’t been unmasked and I saw a pic of him in a “shoot” mag..So I just yelled for a bunch of kids to come meet Rey Mysterio..Hr tried to get on an elevator but missed the door..So here come 20+ people taking his picture and asking for autographs..LOL..Ahhh, good times..
Bret Hart was the worst I've ever met..Shane, Francine, and Bam Bam were bye far the nicest..Flair and Hall were super drunk when I met them but they were pretty cool..Ron Mystery probably still hates me for telling everyone who he was when he didn't have his mask on..

should've said "Bret screwed Bret" and hit him with a sweet chin music as well
Yeah, **** that ******..Tried to say hi to him and dude was beyond rude..At that point in WCW he hadn’t been unmasked and I saw a pic of him in a “shoot” mag..So I just yelled for a bunch of kids to come meet Rey Mysterio..Hr tried to get on an elevator but missed the door..So here come 20+ people taking his picture and asking for autographs..LOL..Ahhh, good times..

That is petty as ****.

I like it.
What Bret do?

He was really rude to a bunch of small kids..Came into the hotel after a ppv and there was a bunch of kids under age 10 asking for his autograph..Dude went to the front desk and had this poor front desk lady go tell the kids he doesn’t take autographs and to not harass the guests..Dude just stood there the whole time watching like a *****..
My brother met Rey a few months ago at the apple store and said he was super nice. Big Baron was cool to Case Case and myself so I am a fan. Big Show was a huge turd so he can kick rocks :lol:
He was really rude to a bunch of small kids..Came into the hotel after a ppv and there was a bunch of kids under age 10 asking for his autograph..Dude went to the front desk and had this poor front desk lady go tell the kids he doesn’t take autographs and to not harass the guests..Dude just stood there the whole time watching like a *****..
Not a ton to tell. Was backstage at Raw last fall and lucked into some 1 on 1 time with her. She was an absolute sweetheart. Talked to me about all kinds of stuff, including what I thought of her character at the time, and was super sincere about it. From that 45-ish minutes, she's got a fan for life in me.
Are you a writer? How did you even get 45 mins with her
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