Marlon Wayans & Lord Jamar Twitter beef over Omar Epps rocking a leather mini Skirt

I hate to make this black & white but lets be clear here that white's have a different type of freedom than everyone else,espacially when it comes to sexuality and all of the extra's that come along with that. For example a white woman back in the days burning her bra for liberation of all women was looked as something symbolic but let a black woman burn anything other than her strands of hair in a comb and she's an angry black female who's this,that, and the third and a lot of it sadly will come from her own people.That's a fact.

Homophobia in the black community is no more because EVERYONE HAS SOMEONE IN THEIR FAMILY WHO IS OR IS SUSPECTED OF BEING GAY.Now mind you,you might have grandma or grandpa who might not be down with the times but that's as far as it goes because we have baby boomers who are now grandparents and it's more socially acceptable.
To the point where we have young female girls toying around with the whole idea of being bi-sexual thanks to todays pop culture where you don't have to lable yourself as being gay but it's ok to play around with .It's as trendy as a Miley Cyrus video or a Lady Gaga photo.

Anyways all of the black talk,that's for another thread,it's to complex and deep for some to grasp or even care about.

There is nothing wrong with being gay,nothing wrong with wearing a skirt but in my opinion there is something wrong with people being upset at the fact that people like Lord Jamar,myself and the other's who point out the fact that you're a male wearing a skirt.Is it my fault that I've lived in America my whole life and it's not seen as normal for a male(black or white)to wear a skirt unless it was Halloween?I know some will say times have changed,you should learn to be open minded blah,blah and my response is nothing happens overnight.

I defend the right for a man to wear a skirt if that's what he chooses to do but after doing so don't turn around and give me the fluff of how it's not a skirt or it represents something other than what it really is.
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