Who said on the first movie? In the trilogy of his films he faces venom, then they have the split spiderman 3 maximum carnage
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would make no sense to attempt to start a franchise with Venom AND Carnage as the bad guys

they require way too much screen time

EDIT: Nevermind lol
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People complaining that Marvel does villains poorly really want to see Carnage on screen :lol:

That is one villain that they will **** up.
Ballsy moves to bring Amy Pascal along but this is very good news.

That franchise needed the Marvel studios direction like nothing else. I look forward to another reboot with a new Spidey. Despite what's said with Kevin Feige involved I'll trust he's the one with all the actual creative control. Here's to this next Spidey movie not being an origin again :smokin

I can understand some of OKB's grumblings and fears. I don't like that everything got pushed back as well. Especially BP and Inhumans :smh: but it's clear they're really acting like Spidey is apart of the phases so it probably had to be done given the slots Marvel took up in their initial announcements.

Good, that's awesome news.

Now before that special someone comes in here and starts telling everyone "I told you so" I still stand by what I've said... his annoying rambling was my problem as it polluted threads and was just annoying to read the back and forths.

Regardless, very exciting news. I can't even wrap my head around it just yet. 

but we know we'll still hear nonsense about anniversary posters and what not no matter how wrong dude was about it.
Michael B Jordan as king pin
would make no sense to attempt to start a franchise with Venom AND Carnage as the bad guys

they require way too much screen time

Again you aid villians I assumed ypu meant in general, for the course of his trilogy venom and carnage have to be there at the end
let's start speculating about Spider-Man villians :lol:

bryan cranston as king pin :nerd:
Vincent D'onorfio is already Kingpin in DD which is set in the MCU.

Bryan Cranston as Norman Osborn though :pimp:
After days of stagnation, this thread starts jumping at 1 am in the morning ET. I can't, I need to sleep. I'll have a lot of catching up to do tomorrow.
One of the reasons when I saw a link in another thread I thought this was fake :lol: I was like why release this news at 1am est and 10pm wst?
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Spiderman 1 he fights whoever, we see eddie brock, IW spidey gets the black costume like he did in the comics just retooled for the movie, Spider two he takes on Venom and the end venom splits, Spidey 3 maximum carnage
 Comic book movies these days are getting bigger in scope. Would Kraven as the villain be enough?

I think it can be done. It'd have to be a really well written and directed movie but I think a street level villain would be a welcome change of pace. Theyd have to take a few liberties with the character
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probably the most realistic chance because he needs zero set-up

 Comic book movies these days are getting bigger in scope. Would Kraven as the villain be enough?
I think scaling a Spider-Man film down a few notches would work very well.

And the scale usually increases as the franchise develops. When you go for broke in the 1st film you back yourself into a corner
So yeah, that Jolie rumor must've been really bogus. Pascal still being involved is still kind of jarring to me even though it makes sense for Sony to let her still take care of that.

I see we already got some negative nancies regarding this spectacularly, amazing news. It makes sense to push the films back. They were already a long wait, waiting a little longer isn't going to hurt. You don't get Spiderman back only to shelve him. Also, I don't see the plot of any of these movies being affected by his inclusion. He'll just be....included.
Nah, it is a longer wait and honestly I'd rather Marvel halfway ignore the Sony Spidey reboot if they could if it meant they'd stick to schedule. Give that Spidey movie a March release or Feb. or x-mas day which would work.

Ppl will watch that movie whenever.
The main focus would be him being a scared kid with usual powers that just outed himself in front of the world.

It's not like other SM films where they have to create some ******** way of the villain finding out the dude's identity either lol it's public knowledge

if handled correctly having a smaller villain without any supernatural/mutant powers would work really well, plus you can start brewing the arc for the trilogy in the background
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