Material differences-suede,nubuck,and durabuck

scollard23 scollard23

That was a fantastic read. Thank you very much for that. Repped.

I knew something was up because no new retro has had that same Durabuck material like the old OG's. It just isnt the same.
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So has Nike been lying about the use of Durabuck or have they found another manufacturer to create the material for them? If the latter is true, are they using the same process to produce the same material the USSC was supplying to Nike or have they created a similar, yet different material but still labeling it as "Durabuck" despite being a different material?
Great questions.  I'm inclined to believe the latter is the most likely explanation.  Since USSC no longer owns the trademark, and also no longer manufactures the material that they created, I tend to believe that Nike has probably created their own version of the material and uses the name "Durabuck".  As I mentioned above, if you look at instances where Nike has used the name "Durabuck" in recent years, they still capitalize "D" making it a name, but there is no longer a "TM" attached to it.  I'm guessing they just use the name because of the history with it.  Again, just an educated guess.

That was a fantastic read. Thank you very much for that. Repped.

I knew something was up because no new retro has had that same Durabuck material like the old OG's. It just isnt the same.
Thanks man.  I actually had fun researching all that stuff.  It was like trying to solve a mystery lol

I would guess that Nike just outsources the materials they require to the lowest bidder and that's why the material is different on so many releases that are technically supposed to be the same.  For example, why is the material around the toe on the 2015 Bordeaux 7's so different from the 2015 Hare 7's?  Could they not have just used the same material?  Weird.
Your last two posts are sound educated guesses and would explain a ton if true.
Repped, great read and great researching on your part, always fascinated with sneaker history like this
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