MATERIALISTIC?? Are "sneakerheads" considered one?

ima say this people(peps who are not sneakerheads) will never understand why we collect/keep em DS/sneakerhunt shoe's..just like how i dont understand yourcousin can go out and drop 8 g's on a jacket..simple as that brah..
Originally Posted by MvP07

I mean if you buy something you love, such as "Sneakers" for what it is worth - Are you considered Materialistic? I buy and stock my grails because it is something especial to me compared to spending money on unnecessary things.

the reason why I started this thread was due to the fact that me and my cousin had an argument and I was just jaded from the argument

She works for this fashion company and basically she stays buying this ridiculously over priced clothes. She recently went to paris and spent like 8 grand on just a coat. And I was basically telling her that what she did was pure stupidity and she has the nerve to say that my shoes are a waste of money as well
SMH. I mean mine at least have some sort of value and meaning to me rather than some simple trench coat that goes out of fashion in like a week

whatever makes you feel better
Originally Posted by ChampionHood

being in love with
material things is being materialistlic

simple as that. you might say there are degrees or levels of materialism just like any other vice or thing that gives you pleasure, but its still the samething.
My ex used to call me materialistic all the time because I didn't like messing up my kicks. Is it materialistic that I won't go jump in a puddle of mudin my unkles?
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