May Wrestling Thread | AEW Double or Nothing This Sunday

January JOTM

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The Edge versus Oldberg at Wrestlemania for the new Multi-Universe Championship!

That happens in a altered alternate reality bubble created by The Fiend who is in control of Alexa Bliss that is themed after an afternoon kids tv sitcom.

Wait a minute.
I can't, and won't, justify Adam Coping winning the Royalest of Rumbles..It just doesn't make any logical sense to give a dude that win that has only wrestled 2, maybe 3, times in the past decade..It makes less sense then giving Oldberg a match against Drew..At least Billiam has wrestled occasionally over the past couple years..And even him getting a title match is a disgrace and embarrassment to the company..I swear to God I don't know what Vince's deal is..In what world does Randy, Christian, and Edge (who are 40, 47, and 47) and who have all had World title reigns in the early part of the 00's, being in the last 5-6 in the 2021 Royal Rumble make sense?..I legit just don't understand the rationale..Having those 3, plus Goldberg, be that involved will draw absolutely no new viewers or subscribers to your product..
I liked the part when they interupted and attacked Alexa Bliss mid transformation.

I hope all heros, monsters and super villains watched that technique.

It is very wise to attack a super powered opponent mid transformation. They are pretty much vulnerable.

I hope that gets adopted.

Eventually I hope someone learns to attack a masked individual with an exposed mouth in the mouth area.
I can't, and won't, justify Adam Coping winning the Royalest of Rumbles..It just doesn't make any logical sense to give a dude that win that has only wrestled 2, maybe 3, times in the past decade..It makes less sense then giving Oldberg a match against Drew..At least Billiam has wrestled occasionally over the past couple years..And even him getting a title match is a disgrace and embarrassment to the company..I swear to God I don't know what Vince's deal is..In what world does Randy, Christian, and Edge (who are 40, 47, and 47) and who have all had World title reigns in the early part of the 00's, being in the last 5-6 in the 2021 Royal Rumble make sense?..I legit just don't understand the rationale..Having those 3, plus Goldberg, be that involved will draw absolutely no new viewers or subscribers to your product..

Did you know Sting is a gang-banger destroying private property in promos on AEW now?
How are you supposed to have Keith Lee’s “presence” there if he’s quarantining? A hologram? :lol:

Insert promo of him talking about being limitless, but there comes a time to respect limits. And the limits the pandemic has caused him to miss this Royal Rumble. An amazing opportunity. One he was ready for especially after his strong showing last year.

But hologram is better, he could do like Luke and just roll out the ring and at the end when the person rushes him they just phase through him and throw themselves out,
I can't believe some of yall are really trying to rationalize this dude Edge winning the RR in 2021. :lol:

Being in this abusive relationship with WWE will do that to you. Bad decisions are better than HORRIBLE decisions. I guess yall grade on a curve.

i dont get it either

but im not the one invested and giving vince my money anymore.

so i let it go

ill see yall for the prerecorded wrestlemania

also why are they doing another pirate wrestlemania? Are they just gonna replay last years show?
I give Vince all my money and look, Sasha is at the top.

So from my experience it definitely works
Rumble pool aside I’m not mad at Edge winning. Since last year Mania I don’t know who they’ve built really up that high to win the Rumble on the men’s side. They build the hell out of Bianca and got it right. Maybe Keith was an option but if Vince sent him back to work as a big dude maybe he thinks Keith needs more time. Big E I feel like we’ll still get that but I don’t see it at Mania maybe SummerSlam.

Edge is needed on Raw so I believe he will go after Drew but I wouldn’t put it past Vince to have Edge lose and improve this run of Drew’s going forward until we get full crowds back.

Take the title off Drew it’s a part time toss fest AJ, Randy, Bray, Braun like nothing helps Raw. You take the title off Roman you got Dbry, KO, Seth, Big E, maybe Sami some younger dudes that can keep them afloat and keep fans interest unlike last summer plus you’re about to make Bianca a damn Star against Sasha.
So which is edge best theme for you guys?

have too go with rob zombie Never gonna stop me
The Edge winning is dumb. Not Goldberg dumb or something like that, but still dumb.

I assume he's going to face Drew? Maybe we get heel Edge? That might be a little more interesting.

Feel like SD can't really do much wrong on their end. Maybe a Reigns/Rollins/DB triple threat?
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