Memba when your biggest issue was your blue jeans bleeding on your forces. Vol. simple things

-Trying to find shorts that had just enough elasticity in the waist that they could hold my CD player while I was cutting grass with out the music skipping.

-Trying to figure out what 50 songs would be in rotation on my MP3 player

-Shroud on/off for the AJ 17’s

When sundays was fully focused on football. I had like 5 games running. 3 on the laptop and switching back forth on the tv to two games. Naturally before red zone.

Now i dedicate football sundays to see fam and spend time with my daughter. I try and catch the eagle games but result to highlights usually.

Interest in actively rooting for a team has fallen so drastically
Downloaded a new mixtape, but fresh out of these joints....

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Trying to keep White AF1s fresh from Sept till the end of the year cuz Mom's wasn't getting another pair :lol:
Figuring out who is gonna be at the party before you go.
Trying to sneak into the movie theatre without getting caught.
going to buffets like cici pizza with a group of people..1 person would pay for themselves and the rest of us would just smash on the plates that they would bring back
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