Meth get us off this crap eneough is enough...


I cant remember which game it was but I swear the game thread went from 30 pgs to 4 and back again. losin posts ftl
vBulletin is kind of lame. I know Yuku isn't great, but vBulletin is horrible.

I just wish Yuku could fix this
like that JJBers SN - fuYuku.....this #%!* sucks.....I just stonefaced my computer screen, really tho, is thislife?
i actually work for a data center...if we really want to make a switch, one of the mods reach out to me!
this is stupid already, my posts keep disappearing , thats about the only thing the " magicians " are working on
Yeah man, this is getting really irrittating. Like posts will disappear and then come back, its like every 2 seconds. I will try to respond in as many threadsas i can in like 30 seconds, cause i know its going to be right back down 1 minute later. This is really ridiculous!
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