Michigan state police to start drug testing drivers

Didnt the dea just say that marijuana grow houses are the new 'meth houses' :lol: bozos.

I bet theres a handful of agents on here that bs wit us also.

I admit, i dont like drivin high, too paranoid. Used to be able to do it when i was younger.

You drive slower when high and more cautious. When your drunk, you drive faster and reckless. How many people died from a high driver and how many people died form a drunk driver????
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Can't see how this is gonna hold up in a court of law.

I just hope the state of Michigan cares as much about testing the purity of its drinking water as it does about testing its citizens for illegal substances.  
first of all, this...

but yeah in any event there are so many holes...first, all drugs have different metabolism times. let's take weed for example...a quick lap around Google told me that it's detectable in your system for up to 48 hours post-usage using the described testing method.

that means somebody from a legal state could spark at home hours before getting on a route that takes them through Michigan, not touching a thing for the next 36 hours and pop for "intoxication" on state roads, as I understand it. 

opiates, amphetamines, commonly prescribed medications, in your system for days, detectable by saliva test despite long since being processed by the body.

a clusterboink waiting to happen.
As a man with a DUI, im all for strict driving laws but this wouldn't be even remotely close to the top of the list.
Slipperly slope, police gonna start asking how much sleep we got last night. 
"You didn't get your 8 hours last night? I know a place where you can get all the hours you need buddy."
not srs

:rofl: :rofl:
marijuana, cocaine, alchohol, etc. all the same ****, if you're impaired, you shouldn't be driving.
They all impair you, but the test doesn't react the same way to the different drugs; it can pick up marijuana use up to four days after use when the individual is no longer impaired; additionally, cocaine only impairs you for 8-12 hours (normal use) and the test can pick it up 3-4 days after use. With all that being said, the test is an overreach by the state in terms of a search of a person. The breathlayzer and dui checkpoints are legal because the state has an immediate and vested interest in keeping trans-state roads free from unnecessary danger and impaired drivers (the breathlazyer tests for current impairment). The state subjecting me to random tests that can pick up use 4 days after when I'm no longer impaired is a "with hunt," and amounts to an unreasonable search and seizure of a person. 
I would think determining the duration of when an individual smoked will be hard. How long the THC stays in your system (Body fat + How often :smokin) can't be measured unless you do blood test, which means detaining a person based on suspicion.

As a man with a DUI, im all for strict driving laws but this wouldn't be even remotely close to the top of the list.

:lol: you made it seem like you are living with a disease.
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Maybe the test won't be as strong, and will only detect drug use if it was within hours... Not days.

Would make it pointless.
if it makes driving a little bit more safe, then I am all for it.

I think most can agree with that aspect, but its like drug tests in Colorado. Its legal to smoke in Co, you only smoke in the evenings and/or on the weekends. You show up to work sober everyday, never EVER even thinkin of goin to work blazed and your company does random testin, automatically fired. (See Verizon an the parapalegic)

I truly doubt (the article didn't mention it) that the test is going to truly test if youre actually high, just that its in your blood/saliva.

edit: mich a medical state as well...smh
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Not with this new medical grade bud I get....nope no driving.

Lock myself in the house and order food if I'm hungry.

That sour deisal is something else mane
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