Miley Cyrus Vol. Trying to hard!

the chicken legs noooooo
I was watching Breaking Bad when this happened, so I just saw it now......

That was extremely uncomfortable to watch. I cringed the entire time. If anyone had ever watched The Office episode where Michael and Jan invite people over to dinner at their house, this invoked a similar emotion.

She trying to damn hard to be something she isn't. Robin looked uncomfortable as hell out there too
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I've never seen a gap that wide, She must get ran thru daily by dudes with that subway footlong length lmaooo
If anything Robin Thicke came out with the L in this one. Being damn near 40 and grinding on an immature teenager is not a good look. Thicke has a lot of older fans who respect him for his older stuff and this was a huge L on his part. 
Isn't Miley in her 20's? I have no problem with her rubbing on Robin, hell she did it to juicy J at a concert and they are probably the same age.

Some cats on NT ready to save miley...
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