Milf yells at dog owner after pulling dogs out

id help a dog before any of these humans out here begging for handouts.

this dude was talking to me last week while i was working and he asked me what i did for work and so on..

then he asked me to stand up then he did all this crazy chiropractor stuff, right in the street.

i said thanks then he asked me what i thought he was worth..

i told him you know what man, instead of doing all that work and then asking for doe, ask for a donation first then do your thing.

i told him that i dont carry cash on me, which i dont, and that nobody else does, for that matter.

but the point is alot of these bums are just that bums.

dogs> people
id help a dog before any of these humans out here begging for handouts.

this dude was talking to me last week while i was working and he asked me what i did for work and so on..

then he asked me to stand up then he did all this crazy chiropractor stuff, right in the street.

i said thanks then he asked me what i thought he was worth..

i told him you know what man, instead of doing all that work and then asking for doe, ask for a donation first then do your thing.

i told him that i dont carry cash on me, which i dont, and that nobody else does, for that matter.

but the point is alot of these bums are just that bums.

dogs> people
You the type to see a homeless man and his dog and just drop off dog food?

Like dude said dogs are defenseless and need to be looked out for. It's never the dogs fault. Last time I gave a homeless dude 2 jumbo jacks and he threw it away before I could even pull off :stoneface:

I'm gonna toss it up to a difference in culture. Where I'm from the concept of helping a dog before a human being is blasphemous. Understood that the dog is helpless, but its still just a dog.

Are you muslim?

I am....
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus View Post

Guy is retarted.

She did the right thing.

I've broken into people's cars to get their dogs out and to get some of their items before.
"To get some of their items" :rofl:.

The dog owner is in the wrong here but the lady definitely overdid it. There's a way to respectfully tell someone off,looks like she wanted to cause a scene.

Why did my post get deleted. Sensitive people outchea, I tell you what.
id help a dog before any of these humans out here begging for handouts.

this dude was talking to me last week while i was working and he asked me what i did for work and so on..

then he asked me to stand up then he did all this crazy chiropractor stuff, right in the street.

i said thanks then he asked me what i thought he was worth..:stoneface:

i told him you know what man, instead of doing all that work and then asking for doe, ask for a donation first then do your thing.

i told him that i dont carry cash on me, which i dont, and that nobody else does, for that matter.

but the point is alot of these bums are just that bums.

dogs> people

Your first mistake was letting some stranger touch all over you in the middle of the street.
I never hand money to homeless people because I'd rather give them a bottle of water or food which I always have stashed in the truck. I gave a bottle of water to a guy one time during an extremely hot day and he put it down in a way where it just rolled away. He looked at it and didn't even attempt to go for it. He obviously didn't care.
I never hand money to homeless people because I'd rather give them a bottle of water or food which I always have stashed in the truck. I gave a bottle of water to a guy one time during an extremely hot day and he put it down in a way where it just rolled away. He looked at it and didn't even attempt to go for it. He obviously didn't care.

There's been too many instances where I've given a bum food or a drink and they looked mad or disappointed. When they ask for money I'll give them 1 penny.
I gave a bum a taquito from 7-11 before and he was like "Oh my god, a TAQUITO?!" and he looked genuinely happy.
**** outta here...

Woman about to cry over some dogs in a car with the windows down. Pretty sure there's more pressing issues going on in backwards *** Arizona that she don't give one **** about

I'm all about folks taking care of their pets no matter what it is but I'm amazed how they love some god damn dogs so much
I'm waiting for the PSA about keeping dogs in cars. This seemed fabricated, and how in the hell did she open the door? If you say she stuck her hand through the window, then wouldn't that be enough of an opening for air to come in the car? Especially since he has tint on the windows?

Not trying to be cruel, but I feel like if this is real dude covered his bases no? Would a news team really come for two dogs stuck in a car?
If that news team has nothing better to do then yeah, I can see it. They had a news team out here just cause a new slide at some water park in San Dimas. I don't want to turn to the news to hear about a new slide.

If you watched that video above you'll see having tints and a cracked window doesn't do much. Even with my tints the heat is only reduced marginally in my car.
If u guys own a dog u would understand why that lady was heated. I woulda put hands on dude and made sure those digs ain't go back with him

man shut up...this infatuation with pets in western society is pathetic...

1000 + people died a few weeks ago on the other side of the world from extreme heat exhaustion...

1 human beings life is worth 1 million dogs...
If u guys own a dog u would understand why that lady was heated. I woulda put hands on dude and made sure those digs ain't go back with him

this is a example of why people get seriously hurt or killed. pure stupidity.
If u guys own a dog u would understand why that lady was heated. I woulda put hands on dude and made sure those digs ain't go back with him

man shut up...this infatuation with pets in western society is pathetic...

1000 + people died a few weeks ago on the other side of the world from extreme heat exhaustion...

1 human beings life is worth 1 million dogs...

I get loving your pets, but sometimes things are taken a bit too far/serious.
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