Mitt Romney painted his face Brown to appeal to Latino voters

he's a rich bum sure...but he's far more competent as far as executive experience is concerned.

and as numb as he is with poor folks, i trust him on handling da energy boom da economy has da potential to exploit.

Will you please stop with these house ***** antics of yours. At the end of the day whether you want to admit it or not, Romney sees you as part of the 47%. There's a difference between being a good executive and being a good politician that can execute. Romney was piss poor at job creation when he was Governor, 47th to be exact. I guess that number 47 is Romney's favorite number in more ways than one.

Furthermore, what does executive experience have to do with being a good public official?

Just because he has a MBA and ran a company does not mean he can wave his magical MBA wand, and fix the economy. Consider, for instance, the fantastic record America's last MBA President, Bush 43, had on the economy.

Expertise is over-rated as the President rarely builds policy-- he makes decisions on policy options presented to him. In this sense, a more important characteristic is critical thinking (which, in turn, leads to sound decision-making). And If Romney's campaign thus far is any indication, then he's a horrible decision-maker.

It's also probably worth noting that Romney's competence as an executive is in dispute.
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pic in the thread looks a little exaggerated, i mean it is mediatake out :nerd:
this ones off msnbc

"Dem Hands". :wow: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Back on topic please tell me that you guys are foolish enough to think he did this to appeal to Hispanic voters.

What he has is a horrible spray tan or over the counter tanner ie what all the pics of the people from jersey etc that pics have posted online of them looking orange. His palms dont look tan because you dont put in on your palms.
Back on topic please tell me that you guys are foolish enough to think he did this to appeal to Hispanic voters.
What he has is a horrible spray tan or over the counter tanner ie what all the pics of the people from jersey etc that pics have posted online of them looking orange. His palms dont look tan because you dont put in on your palms.

Im not a fan of dude or nothing but how do you depend on a site like mediatakeout to give any valid news on politics 
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Back on topic please tell me that you guys are foolish enough to think he did this to appeal to Hispanic voters.

What he has is a horrible spray tan or over the counter tanner ie what all the pics of the people from jersey etc that pics have posted online of them looking orange. His palms dont look tan because you dont put in on your palms.

Im not a fan of dude or nothing but how do you depend on a site like mediatakeout to give any valid news on politics :lol:
He is tanner in that interview than he tends to be regularly. This pic is from 8 days ago.Maybe it's just pure coincidence that he happened to start tanning right before he did an interview for Univision, just like it'll be a coincidence when he brushes up on 2Pac lyrics and Spike Lee movie references before he does his next interview in front of a predominantly black audience.
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