Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

@Hyper - :lol: I saw you on Borderlands but didn't want to drag you in. You know you're good w/ me whenever though.

I think he got a new job or some ****...he gets on once in a blue moon.

Bobby, get these folks in the clan when you have the time fam. :nerd:

I keep telling folks just to post their PSN ID's and I'll send the invites. Or you post em up and I'll invite em :lol: only way I can't get on is when I'm at work.
Also helps if you know how to play Domination and know where/when the spawns flip. laugh.gif

That's my problem, I'm not that great at Domination. The only game mode where I struggle.
Dom is easy mode, bro.

Just play for a few weeks w/ people that know what they're doing and you'll learn pretty fast.
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Dom is easy mode, bro.
Just play for a few weeks w/ people that know what they're doing and you'll learn pretty fast.

I need to be on more, I'll only play like one day a week now for a few hours in a row :smh:

Havik, you're not registered on COD Elite so I couldn't add you.
I need to be on more, I'll only play like one day a week now for a few hours in a row :smh:
Havik, you're not registered on COD Elite so I couldn't add you.
Never really messed with that cod elite stuff, how do i sign up?
Try again just registered.
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I keep telling folks just to post their PSN ID's and I'll send the invites. Or you post em up and I'll invite em :lol: only way I can't get on is when I'm at work.
That's my problem, I'm not that great at Domination. The only game mode where I struggle.

Man !@#$ Dom that ish is easy mode lately its me, Illo, Hyper, supreme and a few others and the matches never get past 100 before dudes rage quit
its out fault tho dudes 3 cap right when the game starts, the other team try to get a flag dont succeed and back out it makes this !@#$ boring
ive been mad, angry, frustrated, and raging at COD but i ve never been bored like this idk man:smh:
psn: Graveyard_5hyft

feel free to add me send me a message to let me know youre from nike talk
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I havnt been getting hate mail lately thought I fell off.........................welp the hate was strong tonite :pimp:
the usual hating on me, calling me a camper, discrediting my MOAB, mad, cussing, dissing my teammates type thing
He was right tho i was camping i ADS and these fools ran into my bullets what was i suppose to do move? stop shooting?
i went from an 8 KS to a 20 KS in like 2 mins around B on Hardhat
sidenote: how come the guys that go super negative in this case 15-40 and 13-36 be the first one talking mess?
**** those kids.

They were camping harder than Bear Grylls when they had B and A, and they have the audacity to utter the word "camp".
NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE.
Title Update 21
DLC search popup, disabled when searching with DLC off
CMR Mod fix (18p Face Off)
Increasing content slot limit to 31 (Issue on Xbox that caused a black screen if all content packs were owned)
and double XP weapon is still live.
yo what the hell was going on the last game. literally every time I saw somebody I was dead before I could shoot or I would shoot invisible bullets at you all.

mad annoying. 
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Those last couple of games made my night.
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