MonsterVerse Thread = Godzilla VS Kong : Out Now On HBO MaX & Theaters

Pacific Rim barely broke even at the box office and when you consider marketing budget, it probably lost some money.

That's what I thought too but they still made $410m on a $190m budget iirc. I remember people were about to call it a flop but then it got a very good reception in China (it released much later there) and then it eventually made it's money back plus more.

Plus I think I read last week that it made $35m in blu-ray sales in the US so far too.
^Yea, people were saying it was gonna be a John Carter type writeoff, but it def broke even.

He said Godzilla was something that has never been seen before (which is already not true because everyone knows Godzilla as you said)

Well...I mean, he was right. :lol: 90% of people have never seen a Godzilla movie ('98 don't count). They're aware of the name maybe, but that's just pop culture. Same way almost no one watches Girls on HBO, but everyone's heard of it and kinda knows what it is. And there's never been a movie like Godzilla really. A giant skyscraper sized monster/living natural disaster. It's just Cloverfield...maybe War of the Worlds, but not really.

Don't get me this point, there's been so many reboots and toy movies and modern $150M big cgi sci-fi movies, that it is sorta "another one." But it's distinct and different enough. The hook is easy and obvious. And the tone they took is really good. Young people'll know it's a giant monster ******* **** up movie. But older people will see a sci-fi drama with real life characters they'll like. I think it could have that Rise of the Planet of the Apes novelty and then some.
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He said Godzilla was something that has never been seen before (which is already not true because everyone knows Godzilla as you said)

Well...I mean, he was right. :lol: 90% of people have never seen a Godzilla movie ('98 don't count). They're aware of the name maybe, but that's just pop culture. Same way almost no one watches Girls on HBO, but everyone's heard of it and kinda knows what it is. And there's never been a movie like Godzilla really. A giant skyscraper sized monster/living natural disaster. It's just Cloverfield...maybe War of the Worlds, but not really.

Don't get me this point, there's been so many reboots and toy movies and modern $150M big cgi sci-fi movies, that it is sorta "another one." But it's distinct and different enough. The hook is easy and obvious. And the tone they took is really good. Young people'll know it's a giant monster ******* **** up movie. But older people will see a sci-fi drama with real life characters they'll like. I think it could have that Rise of the Planet of the Apes novelty and then some.

I think it is still in the same vein as Pacific Rims Kaijus and that's why many associate the two and want a Godzilla x Jaeger showdown. Pop culture or not, I think most still have seen (even if not in film form) and know what Godzilla is about so it already has that big advantage. I mean even people was thinking Colverfield was just a code name for a Godzilla film there for a second. Just when someone hears there's a giant monster film people automatically thinks Godzilla.
I'm not really excited for a Godzilla x Pacific Rim sequel because at that point you're just doing the monster mash movies from the 80s-00s and it gets away from the spirit of the original movie. But then again a Godzilla movie like that doesnt really call for sequels anyways. They just need to land this first one, which it looks like they will, then they can do whatever they want :lol:

Godzilla will outgross Pacific Rim domestically before it even hits it's second weekend :lol:. Worldwide, I'm seeing a 600-700m final tally.
New Asian Trailer 

At this point with only three weeks left I urge extreme caution, this trailer has spoilers in it.
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My god that was amazing.

Opening night for sure.

"A monster."

"No.. A God"

:pimp: djdjdjdjdj
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Must watch.
Been a fan since the 80s

Growing up I was never able to win the Godzilla at Chuck Cheese...that thing was like 9,000 tickets smh
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are you guys watching the 6 min trailer w/ horrible quality?

thats the only one i seem to be finding
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