Aug 7, 2007
:: MONTREAL HEADS :: INDUSTRIE EATON CENTER 50% OFF JUNE 18-21 :: That's right! Time to clean them out.
industrie eh...
all my boys are next door...
you guys still have the stubbs?
yaooo, thanks for the heads up, they have some pretty dope +%*+ for cheap.. can't go wrong with a $50 - 60 pair !
Complete garbage...
I went to Industrie today and found out that EVERYTHING does not mean EVERTHING.
The sale does not include SUPRAS.
I took the time to go to this Stupid store, only to find that the supras were full price.
I will never go back to this store. I have decided to Boycot the store.
^ ^ ^
Sucks... but from what I was told by the folks over there, PPLat SUPRAS did not want to be a part of the sale, they said 50% is outrageous and they weren't having it so obviously "Industrie owners"can't do #!@* unless they are willing to lose the account !
scooped up some NBs on the weekend thanks to the deal.
thats too bad it was false advertising.

On the fb page, they were advertised giving away free caps.
I had to ask for my free cap. No one even mentioned the promotion.

PS Supras suck anyway.
Originally Posted by egorfour

scooped up some NBs on the weekend thanks to the deal.
thats too bad it was false advertising.

On the fb page, they were advertised giving away free caps.
I had to ask for my free cap. No one even mentioned the promotion.

PS Supras suck anyway.
PS got me rolling!!!

NBs were on point, was ready to cop all of the NB walls but the wifey just slowed me down. I mean seriously tho' $60 it's a given, considering thatthese joints are not that old I was just hoping they had a different Goretex!!!
I completely, forgot about the free snap back ! Also, doesn't the FB page say its up to thwe 28th, but the dude who served me said it's was only tilyesterday, any info on that?
to be honest. its pretty unorganized there. the staff is not knowledgeable.
too bad. I wish could have copped all the C-CAP NBs. I dont know why... im just really feeling NB these days.
1. Supras don't suck
2. Regardless if they suck or not, it's false advertising

You can bet you won't see me at Industrie ever again.
Sir. I am entitled to my own opinion. And I say Supras are the most hypebeast shoe out right now.
You are probably right. They are probably the most hypebeast shoe out right now (if we don't include the yeezys), however they are soooooo comfortable.Seriously. Have you tried them on? Its like walking on "air".
Originally Posted by SirCharles

You are probably right. They are probably the most hypebeast shoe out right now (if we don't include the yeezys), however they are soooooo comfortable. Seriously. Have you tried them on? Its like walking on "air".

the only supra i have was given...
i got cruizers and they are mad uncomfy...
tried skytops and they are ok but made super big on me...

and yes...*They are probably the most hypebeast shoe out right now*...
and....what goes up...must come down...sorry supra.
tk is the only hope they got...IMO
Originally Posted by chaplip

Originally Posted by SirCharles

You are probably right. They are probably the most hypebeast shoe out right now (if we don't include the yeezys), however they are soooooo comfortable. Seriously. Have you tried them on? Its like walking on "air".

the only supra i have was given...
i got cruizers and they are mad uncomfy...
tried skytops and they are ok but made super big on me...

and yes...*They are probably the most hypebeast shoe out right now*...
and....what goes up...must come down...sorry supra.
tk is the only hope they got...IMO

And Weezy...he's got the youngins hanging on his nuts sack !
BTW, that list you got is bananas..funds are kinda low and I have a couple of those gems sitting in my closet keep me updated tho' I'm pretty suresomething will pop up that I missed and you have collecting dust that you want to get rid of...
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