More Air Prestos?

The internet connection at my work is iffy. I usually avoid desktop & go mobile with my wifi off so its my carrier data. Sometimes I dual wield to give myself 2 spots in line

But it has more to do with fast fingers than it does fast internet. I can also say that I've never used a bot and never will. I am almost 100% on releases when relying on my trigger fingers & ive spent A LOTTTT of $$ this year on NDC. More than I should have.
NikeLab package came in with the quickness! Shirt, hat and bag. If I dont get at least one pair tomorrow..

oh so this is what they're sending us if they DM'ed us asking for our address? sorry i have to ask i got mine sent to my moms house...because well deployed.
LOL nah it's part of the print..
I really thought it was a zipper lol. They put them on everything.

I keep seeing people wearing the Bamboos on IG and now I think I want that more than the olives. Dropping 3 colorways at the same time is tough, I can't make up my mind on what to go after for first.
Guess it makes sense why Nikelab was sending out all those random tweets at 3 AM Pacific Time the past couple days...
DSML is your best bet for blacks and volts. Got through their on both in size medium.

Edit: sold out I think
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