Most overrated women (actress, musician, etc).

How you try to knock down da bae Scarlett & post good pics of her? If that's your definition of bad, I'm wondering who you think looks good on the celebrity world.

Nah b, Scarlett is appropriately rated.

This, however:

I don't see the hype
What's up with the color of her eyes? High cholestorol?
Yes, kid rock was wrong because he made it seem like he only didn't like Beyonce because she isn't a skinny blonde white chick with big boobs. So his views were more racial than factual.

But you dudes wild'n saying B is overrated. If she's overrated, just about every celebrity or model is overrated. She can sing, dance, and is a beautiful girl. On top of her accomplishments, she humble as **** as well.

Edit: dude said, who is a black actress or musician dat looks better than beyonce? Name some actresses and musicians in general who look better.

Very well then. :lol:

With that said, Beyonce is one of the most overrated celebs of all time. That doesn't take away from her talent, but her performances are pretty forgettable. I'll still take Janet Jackson over Beyonce in the looks department.

Angelina Jolie
Jennifer Lawrence
Taylor Swift (if she wasn't famous, she would still be dressing like an 8th grader)
Update that pic too. She's looks nothing like that. She now looks like a planet of the apes extra.
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