most undeserving MVP'S of any major sport

their numbers may be the same but that doesn't change the fact that Peyton Manning is the most overhyped, overrated slurped qb of our generation.

great regular season qb but a playoff choke artist.    the guy gets a pass the first time around and hell you can make an excuse for him the second time but when it becomes a recurring thing the guy is a proven choke artist. Teams led by him have lost at home in the playoffs when their favored to win 5 times.   4 of those when they had a 1st round bye,  2 of them as the number 1 seed.

his teams have lost to teams they had no business losing to in the playoffs.      2000 wild card game against the dolphins,  2002 wild card game against the jets (shouldn't have been as one sided as it was with such a great qb behind center),  2005 divisional round loss to 6 seeded pittsburgh (peyton was aided by a missed call by the refs on a troy polamalu interception that should've sealed that game early in the 4th quarter),  2007 divisional round, losing to a chargers team that was without phillip rivers and tomlinson for a decent stretch of the 2nd half, 2008 losing to the 8-8 chargers after finishing the season on a 9 game winning streak,  2010, wild card round, losing to the 6 seed jets, peyton couldn't make the plays so they could run the clock down and kick a winning field goal with no time left, mark sanchez of all people proceeds to make a few plays to put his team in field goal range to get the win,  2012 divisional round against baltimore, a team they blew out in baltimore a few weeks back while on an 11 game win streak,  throws a crucial pick in overtime and was aided by big plays from his special teams to even be in overtime to begin with.

a team led by him lost to an 8-8 chargers team,   got smacked 41-0 by the jets of all teams, and lost to a jay fiedler led team in the playoffs.

mr. manning is a choke job waiting to happen.     i'll bump this sometime in january when they again lose to a team they have no business losing to in the playoffs.
he just had the best regular season ever for a QB, there is no reason that he is undeserving of an award for regular season excellence 
We have a thread on this now
link please. and this thread deserved to be bumped. theres a reason brady got an mvp vote this yr. pats would have made this a game win or loss. congrats seattle.
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Someone copy and paste my post in here from a few months back in the thread I just made plz. My current phone is a piece of crap.
Someone copy and paste my post in here from a few months back in the thread I just made plz. My current phone is a piece of crap.

which one homie? pasted the most important on the last page. and as far as the pats and their bum *** receivers they beat a 24 pt deficit against the "best" offense of all time. best receiver for the pats was injured most of the yr. the other 2 a. defected and b. got arrested. peyton chokes again. surprise surprise.
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