My Asian NT'ers: I Have Some Questions. re: Health/Nutrition

Off topic, well not really, but does anyone have a Ramen Recipe? I want to make some Home Made Ramen. What are some recipes that your families make?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If I come off as ignorant I apologize, I don't mean ANY type of disrespect. Just trying to learn

1. I know a lot of you consume a lot of white rice; has the influence of the Western Nutrition (anything white is bad for you) stopped you from consuming asmuch rice as you did before.

2. What are some of your remedies for common health problems? Common colds, flu, arthritis, etc that would differ from what we practice/preach here on the"West side"

3. How health conscious are your respective countries? Have they been doing anything to try to fight the influx of all of that filthy western food that hasleaked into your societies in the past 15 years?

1) I'm the odd one out in my family and I eat mainly brown rice.
2) The only thing I see that's "asian" is coining or cao gio
Rice is the staple of many diets, I don't understand how it became an asian stereotype. Nigerians eat a lot of rice.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If I come off as ignorant I apologize, I don't mean ANY type of disrespect. Just trying to learn

1. I know a lot of you consume a lot of white rice; has the influence of the Western Nutrition (anything white is bad for you) stopped you from consuming asmuch rice as you did before.

2. What are some of your remedies for common health problems? Common colds, flu, arthritis, etc that would differ from what we practice/preach here on the"West side"

3. How health conscious are your respective countries? Have they been doing anything to try to fight the influx of all of that filthy western food that hasleaked into your societies in the past 15 years?
1. White rice is common for Filipino American families to eat in their meals.

2. My family doesn't believe in those "spiritual" or "herbal" remedies. My mother is a nurse practitioner and she advises us well on which medicines to take.

3. Diets really depend on the individual but it seems that no matter what we eat, we generally stay in shape.

I'm Filipino-American if it makes any difference.
I'm Filipino-American and (1) LOL. I actually just finished eating some white rice with my chicken and broccoli. I don't think any influence from the anyone or anything will ever stop me from eating it. And I believe it goes the same from any member of my family. Shoot, a majority of them migrated here in the early 60's and it hasn't stopped them from eating rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think its just one of those things that we are so used that its gonna be hard to get away from. (2) Other than Vick's Vapor Rub and Tiger Balm - my family pretty much regular over the counter medication (Tylenol, Pepto-Bismol, Advil...etc). (3) I finally made a trip to the Philippines after 11 years and from what I saw (observed) I don't think any one gave a damn about their health. I saw a lot of (turo-turo) which are small shacks on the street that sells fast food, similar to those Chinese restaurants here in the States where you get rice or noodles, then one or two main entrees, but instead of Chinese get cheap, greasy, looks safe enough to eat Filipino food. Believe it or not I actually wanted to try it...but my cousins who has been living there for a couple of years (going there for college) told me not to eat it.
But as far as Western Food, there was American Fast Food places all over the Philippines...and guess what? They serve rice in all of them. Even in McDonald's.
cambodian and i eat rice with basically everything

and uh when im sick i rarely take meds
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Rice is the staple of many diets, I don't understand how it became an asian stereotype. Nigerians eat a lot of rice.


60% of my meals were with white rice

Africans and Asians eat  white rice. Can someone please explain how a white rice based diet is bad for you? I swear half of the worlds population is on a white race based diet.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Africans and Asians eat  white rice. Can someone please explain how a white rice based diet is bad for you? I swear half of the worlds population is on a white race based diet.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Rice is the staple of many diets, I don't understand how it became an asian stereotype. Nigerians eat a lot of rice.

but its not about you right now
Originally Posted by XxxnillionairexxX

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious


I hate the smell of this it's so strong, you use this and you'll smell like it for months afterwards. My mom is Jamaican and thinks this is theremedy to every ache and pain. When I have a cold she tells me to rub tiger balm on my chest like it's Vicks or works tho, the smell is just
I'm Chinese-American and I hate the smell of this in public.  I remember I was on the train once and a Chinese grandma whipped out the tiger balm to apply onto her heel.  The application and rubbing lasted over five minutes and you should've seen the look on everyone's face including mine 
I'm Bengali/American here:

White rice is something that is a necessary part of our diet. Just like other Asians who answered your's pretty much all the same.

Even though we have white rice, a lot of our meats are covered with grease and fat. It's not the healthiest type of food to constantly live off of. Although I do try not to eat so much of it, i find myself eating it during home meals and special occasions.

Biriyani FTW
Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

3. not really sure about this one. i've been to japan and the air quality is terrible there.
You think so? Comparing Tokyo with some American cities, I would say I didn't notice a difference. It is a little more hazy...
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Pretty much ALL people eat rice, don't understand why it is so closely associated with Asians. 
because every meal has to have rice 

back when I was in the philippines it was expected 24/7 breakfast lunch and dinner 
i went through a span of 2 two years where i would hardly ever eat white rice, white bread, or white pasta.  i substituted them all for whole-grain or whole-wheat alternatives.  it didn't have anything to do with western nutrition, back then there wasn't a trend of eating super healthy / strict like there is now.  if anything, living in america encourages you to eat tons of bread.  there's bread everywhere you go.

this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pepto

i always carry a box when i travel overseas ...but never had to use it ...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If I come off as ignorant I apologize, I don't mean ANY type of disrespect. Just trying to learn

1. I know a lot of you consume a lot of white rice; has the influence of the Western Nutrition (anything white is bad for you) stopped you from consuming asmuch rice as you did before.

2. What are some of your remedies for common health problems? Common colds, flu, arthritis, etc that would differ from what we practice/preach here on the"West side"

3. How health conscious are your respective countries? Have they been doing anything to try to fight the influx of all of that filthy western food that hasleaked into your societies in the past 15 years?
1. I can't go without rice or Asian cuisines in general. I start craving it after a couple of days without. I hate going on vacation for extended periods because I can't eat burgers, steaks, or whatever for an extended period. I actually start losing weight because I don't eat as much. The food just doesn't taste as good. Hell, I eat fried chicken (Church's) with rice and hot sauce. My Long Beach Asian folks know what I'm talking about.

2. Some of the remedies are ridiculous, but I still do them. There are all sorts of 'medicinal' teas that my mom has. Its usually a brewed combination of herbs and dried plants etc. The teas absolutely smell horrendous. Along with that we have cupping and coining. I also know that if I have a fever or a cold, I'm not allowed and encourage to eat certain kinds of fruits because they will either cool or heat up my body. Fruits are broken down as hot or cold food.





And there's also acupuncturist and mediation.

3. I don't know enough to speak one way or another about the health consciousness. I do know how every that fast food is extremely popular amongst Asians and we are the fastest growing group in terms of obesity both in and out of the United States. Japan is trying to curtail this by making setting waist size restrictions etc.
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