My dog died today...

Nike Jordan

Jun 27, 2002
As my mother was giving him a haircut, he ran off (something he never does/did).

She spent over an hour looking for him and as she was driving back from the pharmacy, she found him dead on a sidewalk with blood all over. 

It seems that he was hit by a car and whatever car hit him, killed him instantly.

We already buried him.

Had him for almost two and a half years. He was a great dog, never had any problems with him.


R.I.P. Beethoven.

Damn man sorry to hear that, keep your head up.. Even though not the same..My Brother's ex wife took her dog we have been watching for the past 2 years back a couple days ago..Even though he isn't dead I miss him dearly
As I read this I pour out some 211
I know its tough but remember all dogs go to heaven

One of the reasons why I never let my Lab puppy outside without a leash unless it's a sealed off leash dog park. My family even hired people to build a metal front gate to prevent my puppy running out into the road. R.I.P. to your dog...
Originally Posted by MonStar1

As I read this I pour out some 211
I know its tough but remember all dogs go to heaven

MonStar is a damb fool.

RIP to your dog, though. He was hella cute (paws). What was his name?

except i saw it coming months ahead. he was getting more and more lethargic in the last few months of his life (he was 13).
My condolences. I lost my dog on the 23rd. His health had been getting worse since thanksgiving and Friday night was something I'd never want to relive. He was 9.5 years.

R.I.P King

sorry to hear this; I always feel for anyone who loses a pet especially in this manner...I lost my dog when younger in the same circumstances 
from a fellow Eagles fan; keep your head up 
Based Mod wrote:

except i saw it coming months ahead. he was getting more and more lethargic in the last few months of his life (he was 13).

i love lil b 
stuff like this happens to human in 3rd world country
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