My favorite nut cracker spot in da heightz just went to cool to hot...NY Daily News article

Anybody have a good recipe?
Even though I don't condone selling them to teens I tried the NEMO about 2 years ago and they're very refreshing for the summer!
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

So dudes over 21 arent into this right?

No self respecting adult male should be down with this nonsense. I could see some chicks who are of age @%%!*** with this though.

We were drinking 40's of Old E in high school. If they'll sell you this BS, they'll sell you a beer.

Cats is really a little too sweet these days. LITERALLY.
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

sounds like the 4loko hype all over again

nutcrackers were around years before 4loko

all it is is cheap high proof liquor and juice like tampico or hawaiian punch
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

i just had 2 nutcrackers last night, and alot of other stuff to drink as well.

 This made me lol
I too drank like a maniac last night, especially after that Miami loss.
Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

So dudes over 21 arent into this right?

No self respecting adult male should be down with this nonsense. I could see some chicks who are of age @%%!*** with this though.

We were drinking 40's of Old E in high school. If they'll sell you this BS, they'll sell you a beer.

Cats is really a little too sweet these days. LITERALLY.

I never understood how drink choice correlates to sexuality. Drunk is drunk. I'd rather it taste good though, @@!* beer and malt liquor.
Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

So dudes over 21 arent into this right?

No self respecting adult male should be down with this nonsense. I could see some chicks who are of age %@%#+@% with this though.

We were drinking 40's of Old E in high school. If they'll sell you this BS, they'll sell you a beer.

Cats is really a little too sweet these days. LITERALLY.

I remember when I used to walk over to a spot in Mt. Vernon to cop Specil Brews in hs.
3 of them jawns, clankin in the bag. Dudes used to be full and twisted. Fnny how things
just go FULL circle. Also had an official bootleg spot that sold us $6 pints of Smirnoff

I plan on sellin some fishscale Nutcrackers at the Heat Wave this summer. Get @ me
If you don't understand, then you don't UNDERSTAND.

Drunk is not drunk. Different alcohols have different effects. Higher quality vs. lower quality alcohol has different effects. Especially the morning after.

And having all that sugar with your alcohol is not good while drinking or after either.

Trust, as you become a more seasoned drinker, you will grow to appreciate the taste of a good beer or a good martini etc.

But for the record, my comment had little to do with sexuality. I drink Mojito's all the time in Miami. They taste good. But they ain't this artificial fruit punch +#%%!%##. And no grown man with sense should be paying $5 for this !@@% either. Make your !@@% at home and throw some decent juice in it.

Malt liquor is cool when you're young and broke. But I guess drink choice shouldn't correlate to age either? Because I'm sure kids drink Johnnie Walker Blue all the time.

So how many of these nuttys would one have to consume to be equally as drunk as drinking one 40oz of steele reserve or old english?
Ay Ninja,

One time I chilled with a chick from the BX and she brought something in a Sunny D bottle she said she got from the heights and it was orange.. What is that?? That !$#$ was madddddd good
Too sweet had nothing to do with sexuality... Oh
Kids can't legally buy alcohol so lokos and other ++!!+$ malt liquor is to be expected. I drank enough to know I hate beer. Every one I've tried, from Coors to expensive for no reason brands. TO ME drunk is drunk, but I want it to at least taste good. ##+$ doesn't even feel worth it unless I'm about to smash, and even then its Finlandia or something similar.

Mojitos are dope though. To each his own *shrug*
Originally Posted by illphillip

If you don't understand, then you don't UNDERSTAND.

Drunk is not drunk. Different alcohols have different effects. Higher quality vs. lower quality alcohol has different effects. Especially the morning after.

And having all that sugar with your alcohol is not good while drinking or after either.

Trust, as you become a more seasoned drinker, you will grow to appreciate the taste of a good beer or a good martini etc.'ll never catch me drinking cheap garbage.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

So how many of these nuttys would one have to consume to be equally as drunk as drinking one 40oz of steele reserve or old english?

it depends on your tolerance level,  i could kill a few old english 40's and be perfectly fine, but liquor gets me messed up quicker since im not much of a liquor drinker. but a few nutcrackers gives me a nice buzz.

i love going to da heightz though,  once i realized that 40 oz bounce thing wasn't going down last week, me and the homie went to get some nutcrackers, and i posted up and drank mines and used the "can i borrow you" line on a few females walking by and they had a pretty positive response to some random white dude in da heightz asking if he could borrow them 
Originally Posted by henz0

Ay Ninja,

One time I chilled with a chick from the BX and she brought something in a Sunny D bottle she said she got from the heights and it was orange.. What is that?? That !$#$ was madddddd good

and it's better with their Haze 
haze from da heightz, is probably the only stuff from new york i'll smoke, almost everything else can't compare to what i get in cali, but heightz haze is on point
There sour isnt bad either if your into it

but as far as whygrown people are buying nutcrackers....... simple they are usually consumed in hood areas and its easy access its like the fast food of liquor. If its a hot day and a BBQ is going on why not spend the 10$ on something that is going to taste good and be refreshing as hell lol
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