My Visit to Fenway Park vol. SMH

Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

How did the armpit of America aka Cleveland get put into this?

You see now, I like this guy

DeadsetAce wrote:
JoeTwenty...I gotta say I was being ridiculous with that comment. I had a bad day at work, kinda let it just fire me up over nothing. Anyway, what I saw in your posts that made me think twice was when you said Pedroia has been horrible this year. That isn't true at all. His average has dipped over the last two weeks, but he's been solid. His defense has been damn near perfect. Ellsbury leads the league in steals, and his defense is amazing. I think it's fair to say he's a better defensive centerfielder than Melke, but I'll give Melke the arm. Of course, you said Ellsbury isn't doing as well as he did when he came up last year (batted like .353 or something insane). Fair enough. But he's hitting .284 and leading the league in steals, and playing a spectacular outfield. Solid in my book. We all know Cano is a beast and just needs to get his head right. Melky's gotta fix some things as well. But right now, Ellsbury and Pedroia are doing more than their Yankee counterparts.

Pitching...Jon Lester...aside from the no-no, he's been slightly above average I think. Buchholz has been hurt of course, we'll see how he does when he gets back. Masterson looks solid. Papelbon is Papelbon. I would think our young guns would get the edge over the Yankee young guns. Joba as a reliever is amazing, but as a starter, I don't think he will be as effective. But time will tell. I was at the game on Sunday, and as you said, beside a couple of mistake pitches (literally only two), he was solid.
Basically, I think our young guys are doing better than your young guys, and I know I came into your debate with Varisox fan out of nowhere, but it seemed to be about which team is better built for the future with both teams aging quick. As of now, I would have to say the Sox. But that is the opinion of a Sox fan of course.

Regardless, there was no need for me to make the "game recap" comment. It was an overreaction.

No hard feelings. My whole thing wasnt even directed at you, more at Varisoxfan. Like some Yankee fans there are Red Sox fans that can never give anycredit to the opposition and instead just make ridiculous comments like "YAnKEESS SuCK!!1!" instead of actually make valid points. My Pedroia pointwas a little harsh (probably because I hate him) and Ellsbury is twice the player Melky is, no arguing that.

All I was trying to say was that you cant say the Yankees are getting old when both teams best players are in there 30's. People in the media always seemto say the Yankees are getting older while other teams are now "grizzled veterans".
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent


Like I said before, dre was pokin' fun and not trying to be an %%*!*+% and this VARISOXFAN guy comes through and ignites the fire by taking everything up the %!#. YOU sit down, lame.

I'm pretty much cool with all the other guys on here (me and Deadset share the same fav. NFL team
), but there always has to be that ONE nincompoop who takes the thread in a different direction. That guy just happened to be a Red Sox fan.

I was about to say when I first saw your sig, I could have sworn dude is a Pats fan. It's all good, I know a few others who like the Pats and Yanks, or Celtics and Yanks, or Red Sox and Giants.

Word...I know some like that, too.
But where it bothers me are thepeople who, for example, are fans of the Patriots and have lived in New England all their life. Yet they're also "Yankee fans" too (probablybecause one of their boys likes the Red Sox and they just want to do the opposite of it). That stuff gets a
. I grew up on the Yankees when I was raised inNYC, and then moved over to MA later on...where I became a Pats fan. So I get that "why are you a Pats/Yankees fan?" question a lot.
Oh yeah.

I forgot about these from the Bathroom stall. They were side by side in the stall. Had to blur it so that it would be NT acceptable.

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