N.O. Xplode anyone ever try this stuff? Does it work?

everything works differently for everyone

I've tried like 5 pre workout supps and always end up back at no xplode
They took out the 1,3 dimethylamylamine in most pre-workout supps...so most of them are just caffeine and sugar now.

Have fun wasting your money.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

They took out the 1,3 dimethylamylamine in most pre-workout supps...so most of them are just caffeine and sugar now.

Have fun wasting your money.

yea because it causes stim ****
for those who dont know what stim **** means, google it.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by xBraveHeartX

Accidently took 6 scoops of Jack3d... most horrible experience of my life. Felt like I was on drugs!

-Couldn't get erect
-Sweated MASSIVE
-Didn't sleep

Although! It did give me on of the most beast workout's I've encountered
 at 6 scoops. how did you manage to do that? as for op, ive only tried jack3d tbh. if its anything like NO, itll give you a pretty good boost in energy then your body starts to get used to it. take a month off then repeat.
It's a funny story. I was eager to work out before I went on a vacation. The Jack3d didn't have a scoop so I used a bigger scoop which was a 2/1 ratio compared to the Jack3d scoop. Scooped it 3 times and proceeded..needless to say the jitters was something I never felt before. 
Leave that crap alone. Does more harm, than good. Like someone said earlier, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are the best way to go. Just use as directed.
current literature for NO supplementation is mixed, some reporting positive some benefits while other report no performance enhancement, theoretically it should work but they've been unable to prove it in RCTs, and keep in mind increased NO will increase free radical production but who knows if it's a damaging level (prob canceled out by anti-oxidants) ,like others have said use BCAAs pre and throw in a caffeine pill if you want a little jolt
I am currently taking N.O. as my pre-workout drink. It might be a placebo, but it has been working great for me. I only use it 3 times a week though, because those are the days I go hard on the weights. And I only use half or one-third of a serving. It still gets the job done.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I've used Jacked for the last two months or so, i like it. It's ok...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]but with anything you use your body will always get used to it and stop being affective. I'll try BCAAs + a caff pill this next go around. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Is there a specific grouping (ex: box of GNC perfomance pills) of BCAAs that have been used? Reviews. etc.[/color]
NO Xplode hasn't been good since back when they had the flashy labeling....before the ingredients were really changed, after so it didn't really work for me.
NO Shotgun and White Flood are good.
Haven't tried the new SuperPump
Depending on your size you dont have to take full dose (I was at about 250#). First days I took it I puked. Called and talked to BSN rep and he told me to do half a dose and see how I felt and work myself up. Also recommended that I have like a piece of toast with it. After I got that worked out, that stuff was great. I got excited just working out, started to see my viens on muscles I was working out. Make sure to drink all the water they recommend also. As far as problems in sheets it was totally opposite, I was a MF'n porn star. My junk got super duper hard and seemed bigger.
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