NBA 2k10 Xbox 360 League (1 Replacement team needed!)

Originally Posted by jretro23

don't think so. just cop a new 360, ballin' anyway.
I dont want to have to buy a new 360
, im sending thisjoint right back.
It works for a few hours, then it gets hit with RROD
I swear they fix it for free... they fixed mine for free.
All xbox's got a three year warranty...

and good game MrOT.
I shouldn't have started playin around that second half... you came back
oh yeah that's right, three year warranty. they were gonna charge me to fix mine, so i said $+@+ it i'll just buy a new one.

anyone wanna run a game around 10?
I'll play. I'm going to need a break from this project in a bit.

I still need my game against the Warriors to be reset pleeeaaaase.
Hmm, that sounds fair enough to me. But we both know I don't have to let you win since you are going to beat me anyway.
ill be the replacement if its needed. add me. Ask the OG's here (jretro, yankeephan, olver) im sim
djkaos is far from sim, dude was the biggest cheeser last league.

jk fam, kaos should get the spot though. he's legit
grizz hold that. didn't think anyone was gonna respond, so i'm heating up some food. you available in an hour?
Originally Posted by jretro23

grizz hold that. didn't think anyone was gonna respond, so i'm heating up some food. you available in an hour?

dont know...i should. just leave a message or something
Originally Posted by jretro23

djkaos is far from sim, dude was the biggest cheeser last league.

jk fam, kaos should get the spot though. he's legit
You got me. I was @#% and then i scrolled down. LOL
ill be on later and i can play regular games since in not in the league
gg grizz.

my dude beasley came through again
and i hate steph curry when he'snot on my team
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