NBA 2k11 Xbox 360 Sim League 16 Teams Fantasy Draft (2 Replacements needed!)

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Seriously what happened to all our regulars from 2 years ago. I don't think we'll be able to replicate what we had in 2k9. Should I just post the league info and whoever wants to can join?

Yo fam I'll be down, but I think i too soon, got to give it at least about two weeks so dudes can get use to the game fam.

Add me. I finished all my games in the last league Jretro can vouch for me.
If we have sucess with this league and people post in this thread often then I think more people will join future ones
I can join after work, is there discussion on qtr time? And when the games are played. I work all day and so I'm usually free in the late evenings, early night.
Eventually when i get this game i will want in on this. I miss those 2k9 days when we would zoom through leagues. It was good fun.
EDIT: !##%!#' Yuku
League ID is NT2010 password is MVP for the 3 remaining spots. Please only sign up if you plan to play your games!
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