NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

somebody please take George to GS off of the title. everytime i see that i cringe
Originally Posted by NobleKane

somebody please take George to GS off of the title. everytime i see that i cringe
I love it, just reminds me that my friends root for one of the three worst run sports organizations in the past 15 years
Originally Posted by solefob

Originally Posted by NobleKane

somebody please take George to GS off of the title. everytime i see that i cringe
I love it, just reminds me that my friends root for one of the three worst run sports organizations in the past 15 years
I'm just doing it to torture the GS fans,

(I really am a closet GSW fan, but just because of the locality).
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by solefob

Originally Posted by NobleKane

somebody please take George to GS off of the title. everytime i see that i cringe
I love it, just reminds me that my friends root for one of the three worst run sports organizations in the past 15 years
I'm just doing it to torture the GS fans,

(I really am a closet GSW fan, but just because of the locality).
we dont want you
***, great job with this thread pimpin

I have a feeling that we might get A.I. . I'm all for it if he comes off the bench because we need someone who can create their own shot(s) besides DWad3and Beas.

Let's also get Booz in here that way we get his LB rights and also be able to sign another top tier FA next to Booz and Wad3 in 2010
Originally Posted by h3at23

I have a feeling that we might get A.I. . I'm all for it if he comes off the bench because we need someone who can create their own shot(s) besides DWad3 and Beas.
Iverson isn't signing with anybody who will have him coming off the bench.
Originally Posted by h3at23

Let's also get Booz in here that way we get his LB rights and also be able to sign another top tier FA next to Booz and Wad3 in 2010

I actually hope the Heat get Boozer, I want Wade to get some help he's that dude
Would be nice for the Heat to be in the mix come playoff time
the heat have to get Booz inorder for wade to stay.....dude was pratically beggin for LO, not to take nuttin away from Beaz but wade wants to win now.....
wouldn't be surprised if D'Antoni gives Taylor a look after he torched the Knicks at MSG for 30+
Now that Odom is back on the clock, the offseason so far according to CP

Offseason winners and losers, first the winners........

1. Magic, easy. Returning a healthy Nelson, add Vince for 3 role players, sign free agent Bass, keep back up big in Gortat, get a cheap free agent thatshould help in Barnes, while only losing out on a 30 year old 50 million dollar Turk. That's too much cash to give him, when they can upgrade with the 4they added, plus the return of Nelson. They've done great work chasing this window.

2. Spurs. Getting Jefferson for nothing, possible return to health for Duncan and Ginobili. Add McDyess as a FA, couple decent draft picks, they've donewell. Only real question is that bench is still not spectacular, and age is an issue. But they didn't really give up anything and have added at leastsome youth to the team.

3. Raps. Overpaid for Turk, but re-signed Bargs, brought in Turk and Jack and traded for Belinelli, plus drafted DeRozan.....might be enough to get 4th seedin the East, and maybe help them convince Bosh to stay.

4. OKC. I love the way this joint is bein run. They BY FAR have thee most flexibility in the NBA. They have ZERO money committed yet 2 years from now, theyhold damn near all options and are paying no one 10 mil a year yet. This will let them watch their top 4 draft picks of the last couple years grow before theyfigure out who gets the payday and who gets moved to up the talent pool. They have not overpaid for anyone, they are in great great shape for the future.

5. Boston or LAC. I can't pick between them. Clips got rid of ridiculous Zach contract, add Griffin on top of all their young talent, (though I do NOTagree with the Taylor releasing) they are headed in a better direction, but they still need to move one more contract, Baron or Kaman if they can.
Boston got Sheed, looks like Daniels, maybe a healthy return from KG, but I don't like the way they jerked around Rondo, that could hurt them, especiallywhen he wants his contract. I highly doubt he offers up any discounts. But they did improve, if only they could find a way to bring in talent for Baby D,then they should easily move above Clips to me.


1. Pistons.
What in the God damn hell is goin on in here? They paida ton of money to BG and CV, didn't move either Rip or Prince for upgrades, and have no legit #1 or maybe even legit #2 guy on the team!!! They lost Dyessand Sheed and (I guess) AI all for nothing. This offseaon on some 2012 type disaster.

2. Charlotte. Traded Okafur for nothin. Have not one player that would be the #3 man on any solid team, have no real bright future type guy that can leadthem anywhere soon. They are just stuck in the middle of nothing, and they almost made the playoffs last year. Shoulda been tryin to upgrade, not downgrade.

3. Houston. HOWEVER, this team, could be thee team to move up to a winner spot real fast. They are mostly hurt by Yao and Mac bein hurt all the damn time,but Mac is almost off the books, they have only 7 mil committed 2 years from now, they could move TMac for a talent upgrade, they have a couple desirable vetsthey can move if they want (Battier, Scola) to quicken the rebuilding process, they COULD really turn this around fast. But as of this moment, this team willbe hurtin next season. There will be a lotta tough nights.

4. Utah. Screwed by Boozer, and had to overpay to keep Milsap. If they move Boozer and do good with it, I would take them off this list, but for now, theystay.

5. Phoenix. Traded Shaq to save money instead of talent upgrade. Lost Barnes for nothing. Kept the oldest man alive in Grant Hill. Resigned a bum pushin40 in Nash (and for a lot of money to boot) couldn't move Amare for talent when they most likely will lose him, their biggest signing was Charlie damnFrye.......Jesus, I could make a case they should be #1 ahead of the Pistons.
But, I would get called a hater, and I hate that. Only bright spot is they only owe 7 Mil two years from now, so they get to lose alot for the next2 years, and then they can rebuild fresh from scratch. Hopefully they don't start with 40 year old career losers. That would be a shame.

As of now, their are only 5 teams that have a chance to win the title, and that's it. Couple others are solid, and decent, and maybe if they get luckycould make a deadline deal to bump them into the top 5, but for now.......

1. Lakers. Defending champs, everybody is back minus 1, and that hole was plugged with an upgrade, at least for this year he is an upgrade, after that, Arizawill surpass him.
2. Magic. Finals last year, coulda won a title with a couple more bounces, better coaching, a healthier Nelson, and now they have bolstered their team.
3. Celtics. Sheed gives them a dangerous weapon if he is right, gives them big man depth, and KG back in form could help. Only worry, old age/wear and tear.
4. Spurs. Always in the mix, always dangerous, upgraded youth and talent, only worry is same as Boston, age/wear and tear
5. Cavs. They have LeBron. That always puts you close. The drop off is huge after that though. No clutch anyone, all career years last year, they fallback a bit this season.

Honorable mentions for teams could be the Heat if they add Boozer, still not better then a 4-5, but entertaining maybe, whichever team lands David Lee. Wishhe would hurry up already. If Lee and Sessions could somehow go back to New York, and get Nate too, I'd be ok with that team. Denver kept their core forone more year, see how they grow and if they learned anything from last year. I guess I shoulda put Mil in the loser category, but I don't even know ifthey are worthy enough of any recognition at all.
They are a mess,and if Sessions leaves, forget it. They should try to move Redd and see if anyone tries to get into that top 5 I mentioned earlier. They need to free spaceand try to lure like 8-9 free agents, quick.
Maybe, Bron, Wade,Bosh, and Amary could help them, dunno though.

Alright, that's mine. Lemme see some of ya'll's. JA, Mike, Shuges, Nas, Dirk, show me what ya got out there.........
i agree, but theres quite a few things....

Originally Posted by CP1708

3. Raps. Overpaid for Turk, but re-signed Bargs, brought in Turk and Jack and traded for Belinelli, plus drafted DeRozan.....might be enough to get 4th seed in the East, and maybe help them convince Bosh to stay.

4. OKC. I love the way this joint is bein run. They BY FAR have thee most flexibility in the NBA. They have ZERO money committed yet 2 years from now, they hold damn near all options and are paying no one 10 mil a year yet. This will let them watch their top 4 draft picks of the last couple years grow before they figure out who gets the payday and who gets moved to up the talent pool. They have not overpaid for anyone, they are in great great shape for the future.


2. Charlotte. Traded Okafur for nothin. Have not one player that would be the #3 man on any solid team, have no real bright future type guy that can lead them anywhere soon. They are just stuck in the middle of nothing, and they almost made the playoffs last year. Shoulda been tryin to upgrade, not downgrade.

3. Houston. HOWEVER, this team, could be thee team to move up to a winner spot real fast. They are mostly hurt by Yao and Mac bein hurt all the damn time, but Mac is almost off the books, they have only 7 mil committed 2 years from now, they could move TMac for a talent upgrade, they have a couple desirable vets they can move if they want (Battier, Scola) to quicken the rebuilding process, they COULD really turn this around fast. But as of this moment, this team will be hurtin next season. There will be a lotta tough nights.

As of now, their are only 5 teams that have a chance to win the title, and that's it. Couple others are solid, and decent, and maybe if they get lucky could make a deadline deal to bump them into the top 5, but for now.......

Honorable mentions for teams could be the Heat if they add Boozer, still not better then a 4-5, but entertaining maybe, whichever team lands David Lee. Wish he would hurry up already. If Lee and Sessions could somehow go back to New York, and get Nate too, I'd be ok with that team. Denver kept their core for one more year, see how they grow and if they learned anything from last year. I guess I shoulda put Mil in the loser category, but I don't even know if they are worthy enough of any recognition at all.
They are a mess, and if Sessions leaves, forget it. They should try to move Redd and see if anyone tries to get into that top 5 I mentioned earlier. They need to free space and try to lure like 8-9 free agents, quick.
Maybe, Bron, Wade, Bosh, and Amary could help them, dunno though.

Alright, that's mine. Lemme see some of ya'll's. JA, Mike, Shuges, Nas, Dirk, show me what ya got out there.........
4th seed? a bit of a reach there...

how does okc rank 4th, when they made no major moves...?
they still need a veteran guy to help them though. their starting lineup is def. solid, and should work on their bench asap cuz they're going to have tobreak the bank resigning all those rookies.

Bobcats. although okafor was solid, what they needed was a real center to pair up with diaw. i have faith LB can teach him into a great center.

Rockets? they only key player they lost was artest, and there were rumors of dude acting up, for example missing buses to games. while they're not scoringmuch, they're not giving up many points either.

You've got to be kidding me. Sessions didnt even get burn last year till ridnour got injured, and everyone became like "ooohh, ahhh, impressive!"
theres no need for sessions when you have an up and coming star in BJ. hopefully, he's just not a bust.
Originally Posted by CP1708

5. Boston or LAC. I can't pick between them. Clips got rid of ridiculous Zach contract, add Griffin on top of all their young talent, (though I do NOT agree with the Taylor releasing) they are headed in a better direction, but they still need to move one more contract, Baron or Kaman if they can.
Boston got Sheed, looks like Daniels, maybe a healthy return from KG, but I don't like the way they jerked around Rondo, that could hurt them, especially when he wants his contract. I highly doubt he offers up any discounts. But they did improve, if only they could find a way to bring in talent for Baby D, then they should easily move above Clips to me.
Damn, you are right, Memphis is close. So maybe not by far, but still the most. Ya'll got Zach next year at 17 mil, the whole OKC franchise next year is20 mil. That's still more flexibility and quite frankly, Durant/Westbrook/Green/arden > Mayo/Gay/Gasol/Thabeet, so to me OKC just has better options,choices they can make then what Memphis is runnin right now.
But you guys would be second in terms of what you're on the hook for and talent to deal with.

Heat, throw somethin in there man I said show me who ya'll got.

BangDak Houston lost Yao dude, that kinda hurts don't ya think? And we have no idea if McGrady will even be on the floor first part of, yeah. And yes, if Toronto meshes well, yeah I think they are the 4. Who better? Atlanta? Eh. Maybe Chicago, but we don't know aboutDeng yet, or the loss of BG. (I do love the Pargo signing though)
Team White Out in Indy?, could be, but bottom line, Toronto will be right there fighting for the 4 spot and a chance to see Turk v Orlando inthe second round.
Damn CP, you forgot all about Conley.
Why are people writing this guyoff so quick?

Conley/OJ/Gay/Arthur/Gasol/Thabeet/Young/Carroll/Haddadi <>Westbrook/Harden/Durant/Green/Weaver/Mullens/Ibaka/White

But, about the Randolph thing, 30% of his contract is deferred. So, instead of them paying him 17 mil next year they will be paying him around 12. I like thesituation both teams are in right now. Memphis still has a ton of capspace with Randolph and Jaric contracts on the books. Once they contract comes off, theywill have even more money. That's after they extend Rudy and they will have the money to extend Conley, OJ, Gasol.

I think that's the ONLY reason Heisley isn't making long-term commitments to guys like Lee/Millsap because he wants to make sure he can hold on tothose core guys. It's hard to do when you're near the luxury tax, so I can give him credit for that. I just hope he actually do it.
LO was getting it poppin at playhouse, a club in hollywood last night.. Past 2 weeks Blake Griffin, LO, Sam Cassel, and Paul Pierce have been there
LO was getting it poppin at playhouse, a club in hollywood last night.. Past 2 weeks Blake Griffin, LO, Sam Cassel, and Paul Pierce have been there
Heard nothin but good things about this spot
Originally Posted by chicksNkicks

LO was getting it poppin at playhouse, a club in hollywood last night.. Past 2 weeks Blake Griffin, LO, Sam Cassel, and Paul Pierce have been there

I'm going there tonight to get my boogie on. I'm ready to dance like its June 2001 and 2002 again.
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